A way to choose what parts of the reference are shown

An option to select elements of a reference that we want hidden (e.g. "archive location" or "Journal abbreviation") would be great. It would also avoid items with long name (such as the odious and incorrect French version "Journal des abbréviations") squeezing the right column content.
  • Relatedly, it would nice if more of the item meta-data could (optionally) be displayed in columns in the middle pane. Year of publication and publication title, for example, would be very useful. (This seems slightly different than the planned feature: "Custom item types and fields, as well as the ability to show/hide default entries", which seems to apply to the right pane.)
  • circeus: We invite you to join the localization effort underway at BabelZilla. Please establish an account at http://www.babelzilla.org and contact the lead French translator, Calimero988. If you move quickly to update the French strings, we may be able to incorporate them in time for the next release.
  • Ed -- Year and publication title have already been added as options in the middle pane in the development branch. Thanks.
  • Sean: Thanks for the recommendation, although I still think users should have the ability to remove whatever elements of these lists they never use (e.g. "location in archive")
  • edited March 22, 2007
    circeus: That's "the ability to show/hide default entries" on the Planned Features page.
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