Zotero Toolbar does not appear!?


OSX 10.9.5
Safari 7.1.8
Zotero SA
Word for Mac 2011 14.1.10

The Zotero-Toolbar does not appear in Word. Neither under the scroll-icon nor in the toolbar-menu.

This is what I tried:

1: >close word >> click on the reinstall Microsoft Word-Addin button in Zotero SA preferences. It all seemed to work perfectly, but the Zotero Toolbar still didn't appear

> Deinstall and reinstall Zotero SA from scratch - no effect.

A search for "zotero.dot" finds the file in >HD...Microsoft Office 2011 >Office>Start>Word>zotero.dot

I'm at my wits end. Do you have any ideas what I could try..?
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