Incomplete COinS import from German Education Index
When importing COinS from the German Education Index to Zotero, the abstract and the tags, i.e. Index Terms, are not imported. Abstract and tags are imported via COinS when using Citavi.
Do you know why not all the available data is imported by Zotero? Is there a way to fix this?
Do you know why not all the available data is imported by Zotero? Is there a way to fix this?
Those are from Dublin Core, so aren't valid technically for the rft_val_fmt chosen.
But there is also probably little ambiguity about what is meant, so I'd probably be fine if we imported from those keys (assuming the code was commented to denote it was non-standard and that we didn't export them).
Can you let me know when these modifications are live. Thank you!
Did you find some time to look into this?
Do you happen to know when the next version of Zotero will be released?
The tags are imported too but all in only one field:
For example, the following keywords are only 1 tag instead of 16 seperate ones:
I have no strong opinion on whether we should be splitting on delimiters of our choosing for poorly formatted COinS (we occasionally do this for e.g. poorly formatted RIS). However, adding this would impact other sites and it is unclear to me that is what we'd always want to do and we should give it some consideration before adding this based on one side that uses non standard COinS.
I think that simple Dublin Core format would prefer to have multiple subject fields rather than one field containing a list of subjects. I don't know how other websides are handling this.
Maybe, the easiest would be to build a simple translator for the specific database which would then basically just calling the COinS translator. But we could then restrict the splitting of the tags to this database. Moreover, it would be possible to handle multiples.
Someone from the German Education Index suggested to me that import into Citavi works fine. Maybe it is possible to find out which solution they have implemented.
ps: Happy New Year to you all.
I just noted a small issue that I wanted to report here:
When importing the following entry:
The keyword "Kounin, J." has been separated into two tags during import: "Kounin" and "J.". Quite frankly, this is not a big issue for me. However, I thought that only semi-colons ";" are used to split tags but it seems that commas "," are used too. I leave it up to you to decide whether this needs fixing.
I wonder whether the import from peDOCS can be improved.
1) The attached PDFs are not imported automatically.
2) The abstract is sometimes mixed up. For example with symbols and strings such as _‐_ and __ Instead of: Oh well, it does not show up. Perhaps because it is HTML code not imported correctly into Zotero.
3) I also noticed that the import sometimes does not work with some entries but have not appropriate example at hand at the moment.
It would seemingly fix (2), as the problem seems to happen due to the COinS translator being used on See:'GUTER+KINDHEIT'&bool1=and&next=950985&prev=&nHits=2&marker=1
COinS should be UTF-8 url-encoded. I haven't checked, but I imagine that a different character set is being used on that page.
Can't help with (3) without examples.
Your version of Zotero will automatically update within 24hs, or you can update manually using the "Update Now" button in the "General" tab of the Zotero preferences. If you're using Standalone, restart Zotero and your browser after updating. Any further problems let us know & thanks for reporting.
In this case, these were quite a few. See:
when importing from peDOCS, is it possible to automatically add the URN as URL in Zotero?
See for example the following entry:
It comes with the associated URN:
Currently, the URN is not imported. It would be great if this could be added.
Many thanks for your great support!
Maybe this helps with the trouble shooting.
Today, I see that COinS is working. Can you confirm that? I haven't looked closer, how good the data is at the moment.
See for example: