Deterring SPAM
Observing today the frequency of spam posts (average one per minute in one batch just posted by lingnow82) could you not try this .. only for newly registered users ..
(a) impose a simple delay of say 5 minutes between posts in the first few posts
(b) ban links
(c) look for common url patterns in new posts.
This might act as some deterrent.
(a) impose a simple delay of say 5 minutes between posts in the first few posts
(b) ban links
(c) look for common url patterns in new posts.
This might act as some deterrent.
This isn't a big problem for me as I view the discussions frequently. I'm concerned for other users who have similarly aggressive institutional mail servers and wait for the notices that their questions were answered . Now the spam is nowalso appearing as comments within threads.
I wish that there was something to be done to automate spam detection. While this is an annoyance for forum readers it must be actually painful for forum moderators. Moderators: thank you for the extra work needed to keep the forum clean.
But the latest Vanilla version is 2.1.11
and its discussion forum suggests it is "spam free".
"We do not have an issue with spam on our core Vanilla forums."
So a first step might be to update Vanilla for Zotero forum.
I don't know why it's taking so long, though my guess would be that Faolan (who manages the Zotero website) just has a ton of stuff on his plate, which is why Zotero is hiring a dedicated web developer who'll just work on Zotero.
which suggests linking to
Although it was suggested earlier that there is a cost implication in upgrading to Vanilla 2.1.1, as far as I can see this only applies to the cloud version and not the open source.
In Vanilla 2.1.1 (open source) there are these tools for moderators ...
Spam Queue
Moderators can enable Spam Queue which allows users to flag content as Spam.
"Content flagged as spam is stored here for moderator review."
Moderation Queue
Banning Options
"You can ban IP addresses, email domains, and words from usernames using this tool."
Flood Control
Prevent spam on your forum by limiting the number of discussions & comments that users can post within a given period of time.
And there are add-ons for "bot"
Adds a question designed to stop bots from registering
One weakness is the current registration form. The registration catcha image is not a very effective deterrent. It might deter automatic bots but not humans.
Spammers can easily write an automation script to quickly automate entering text into the form registration fields. Firefox Inspector makes it easy to find the form DOM elements. It takes only a matter of a second or so for the spammer to
read the CATCHA image and enter the decoded text.
So how might Zotero developer improve the existing forum if limited to staying with Vanilla 1.1.5a?
If an added question and answer session cannot be added as a plugin for registration then possibly new email from a newly registered user could be forwarded by email engine to a privoxy server and privoxy could then alert the moderator .. or in "bot" style take over the registration process. Privoxy which uses Bayesian principles would need to be trained to identify (e.g. Korean) spam. But there are more subtle sources of spam.
These are only ideas.
Place a sticky at the top of the forum discussions that acknowledges the spam problem; reassures readers that the spam is not an indication that user data is compromised; and gives some indication (days, weeks) of when to expect that this problem will be resolved.
If volunteer help is wanted please request it. I and I'm sure that others are willing to assist.
There are novice Zotero users around me who are concerned that the mountains of spam is a reflection of the security of the whole Zotero system. I have heard the comments because I have highly recommended the forums as a place to lurk so that folks can learn from experts.
I am beginning to fear that the Zotero gatekeepers are underestimating the public's reaction. We've all been exposed to forum spam. It is a part of life online. I have moderated EMS and genealogy forums (long ago when everything had to be done mostly by hand). Genealogy forums were notoriously spammy. This is as bad -- tonight 4 pages of spam from the same sender. Help is available for the asking.
Any statement of what you plan to do about this would be appreciated. It's embarrassing to post in the midst of all this spam.
(Edit: not sure if that post by "bagniak40" below mine is Spam or satire, but it's pretty hillarious in the context...)