How does one prevent spam? scottk685 arrived in my email inbox


  • These forums are unfortunately receiving ever more spam, and you'll get it into your inbox if you're subscribed to forum threads that spammers are posting too.

    Dan, is there any news on upgrading the forum software (to Vanilla 2)? The majority of posts in my Feedly RSS feed of the forums seems to be spam now.
  • That's Faolan's department — he's working on it, and hopefully will have the upgrade ready soon. But yes, the situation is extremely bad.
  • Belated thanks for answers/replies (I have had no problems after above initial posting)
  • Hey Dan, Faolan--it's gotten even worse in the last 3-4 weeks. What's the status of the upgrade?
  • edited December 11, 2014
    It's terrible at the moment. Is it possible to prevent someone (new member) to post 5 posts in a 5 minutes ?
  • With Vanilla 2 yes.
    It is close. It's in final shakedown/bugfix/styling mode.
  • Need any beta testers for the new website? With the recent Korean spam, Vanilla 2 can't come soon enough.
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