Zotero integration error

  • Yes, please start a new thread. List, again, the steps you've performed, the versions of all relevant software you have installed, and the errors you are getting.
  • Hi all,

    I got the same integration error message when I try to insert a citation on word

    "Zotero n'a pas pu charger le composant nécessaire pour communiquer avec votre traitement de texte. Veuillez vous assurer que le module approprié est installé et réessayez."

    Report ID: 1431904773

    Debug ID D1041682294.

    Zotero version

    Firefox version: 38.0.1

    Word 2010

    I don't know how to uninstall the word plugin to reinstall it. But I've restarted and reinstalled all mozilla and zotero and nothing.

    Any advise would be much apreciated ;-)

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