shortcut to top of library "My Library"
I often want to perform a global search by a sub collection is highlighted. Is there any way to jump to a global search? Perhaps jump up to My Library first. I know I can just click with a mouse, but a shortcut would be faster. Thanks.
You can get to My Library from the keyboard using Cmd+Shift+L/Ctrl+Shift+L to focus the left-hand pane and then the Home key (Fn-left-arrow on Mac keyboards without a dedicated Home key). You can also press 'm' (or the equivalent for "My Library" on non-English systems) if you have no other collections/groups starting with 'm' below the currently selected collection. (You can also just press 'm' a few times to cycle through.)
In my case cmd+F remains for search actions within the corresponding collection, while cmd+shift+F gives you a global search by remapping the shortcut to a serial combination of ctrl+shift+L and fn+left-arrow and cmd+F.
Since I now have a LOT of folders and the My Library is a long way from the folder that I am wanting to work in. It would be nice for me to be able to keep the left hand plane still while relocating the search context to my library.