Record and display search history in search bar

Maybe this is a feature and I just can't find it. Actually, my subject suggests two features, and I'm more concerned with the first (displaying it in the search bar like a Google search would just be a plus).

Here's what happens...I've done a search and am going through the results. I find an item that needs editing (say, a PDF that needs a parent item). I add that, but now my search field is blank. So when I want to go back to my search results and keep on with the process I was in the middle of I have to a) remember my exact search terms (easier on some days than others) and b) find where I left off in the review. The second one isn't too hard, and I've been thinking of work-arounds, like tagging the last article "start here".

Saved searches would be great through, and it would be great if they were automatic, so if start typing in the search terms I just used, the rest of the phrase would pop up. Saved searches like Evernote would be good, too.
  • Search history has been requested before and generally OKd by Dan:
    though I don't think anyone is working on it right now, so will likely take time in the absence of a patch.

    Maybe I misunderstand what you mean by saved searches (I don't use evernote much), but Zotero does allow you to create saved searches after performing an advanced search (magnifying glass).
  • For b) you might have a look at the zotero-item-history.
  • Thanks for pointing out the saved searches and the magnifying glass, as! I've only been using the default bar so far. This will help.

    zuphilip, do you know through which v. item history is compatible? I just tried to install on the current v. of stand-alone for Win 7 and it wouldn't install.
  • I used it with the Firefox-Plugin for Zotero. No, I don't know whether it works with Standalone. ping @fbennet
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