PubMed - using PubMed IDs

Could you please make zotero aware of PubMed unique IDs? This greatly facilitates locating articles indexed by PubMed. Also, with the PubMed, you can link the Locator to PubMed rather than George Mason, then the user has more options for locating full texts. OVID also can use the PubMed IDs.

  • Another vote for this feature being considered.

    It would be of value in several ways to extract this very important kind of ID in biological and medical texts, but it also could solve a practical problem, namely....

    The resolver--at least at my university--is often quite lousy at actually finding the article with current information, generally it seems to find the journal series only and then you have to sort through the years, volumes, issues, and finally table of contents for an issue, till you find the right article.

    Using pubmed ID, I could go to the exact article very quickly--if nothing else by copying and pasting this ID.

    Thanks for considering just one more request added into the hopper.
  • More on pubmed:
    As Jays and badgett, I use pubmed for searching and getting links to full text.
    It could be nice to grab pdf from the pubmed window, allowing zotero to use the pubmed link to full text.
    At least with highwire journal has to work, since manually, it just a link away to allow zotero to fetch reference info and the pdf.

  • Hi Another vote for PMID's

    I know they are currently stored in the "Extra" field


    this info cannot be exported using CSL - according to Dan Stillman


    please could the pubmed translator be changed so that PMID be stored in the <text variable="number"> field - so that these PMID numbers can be used for citations and/or in the bibliography..

    or if that is not possible (because i made a mistake reading the CSL info) could the PMID be stored an ANY field that can be output using a CSL style.

    Does anyone know a workaround to output the extra field in the mean time??

  • I (author of CSL) would say that if pubmed ids are ever actually used in bibliographic entries, we ought to add a "pmid" variable.

    It probably makes sense for Zotero to support them too, although worth noting that one can do it too by using the info URI form ("info:pmid:398129328") and storing it as a URI. That's not too helpful for bibliographic formatting though.

    Finally, and perhaps better, Alf Eaton blogged recently that there are now full URIs for pubmed ids that resolve to the article. I'd expect it would be preferable to use those URIs and not worry about printing the raw ids.
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