Style Error: Chicago Author-Date: collapse

CMoS, 16e, 15.29 ("Multiple text references") demands,

"Additional works by the same author(s) are cited by date only, separated by commas except where page numbers are required.


(Whittaker 1967, 1975; Wiens 1989a, 1989b)

(Wong 1999, 328; 2000, 475; García 1998, 67)"

I suggest adding 'collapse="year"' to <citation ... > in chicago-author-date.csl.

'collapse="year"' works well with both pandoc and Zotero. One problem remains, however: The rule "date only, separated by commas" is followed, but the exception "except where page numbers are required" is not. In the latter case, a semicolon should be used (after "328") where the actual output of both pandoc and Zotero is a comma:

(Wong 1999, 328, 2000, 475; García 1998, 67)

Can this be solved within the existing CSL schema, or is it a schema issue?
  • Nice one. Certainly food for thought. I'll play around with the processor code a little, and wait to see what Sebastian and Rintze have to say.
  • (I'll look at this more closely, but I'm pretty sure it can't be done with the current schema and also that I've come across this before, outside of Zotero)
  • There are even more complex cases, like "(Wong 1999a, 328; 1999b, 157; 2000, 2001)", that also involve year-suffix-delimiter.

    One option would be to fall back from using any custom delimiter to the delimiter set on cs:layout whenever two neighboring years or year-suffixes are separated by additional content (like a locator). This could be a configurable toggle.

    Or we could introduce another delimiter, like after-locator-delimiter.
  • Has anything be done since this last post in 2014 to address this issue? Seems like Zotero is still inserting a semi-colon rather than a comma. For example (Smith 2002; 2014) rather than (Smith 2002, 2014).
  • we never even added the collapse="year" to the Chicago author-date style, so currently you should be getting (Smith 2012; Smith 2014) -- @Rintze @nickbart either of you remember if there's a reason this never happened or if it just slipped through?
  • Don't know. I usually deferred to others regarding Chicago.
  • I was reporting the issue as described by a student I'm helping. I just tested and, you're right, it's displaying as you mention with the last name repeated twice. This student sent me a screen capture where his references are displayed as mentioned in my original example, so I'm a bit confused as to how he got his references to be displayed as (Autesserre 2010; 2014; Hopf 2002; 2012; Pouliot 2010).
  • it depends on the citation style -- you'd have to find out which they're using and we can (if warranted) fix that
  • The collapse="year" fix itself seems to have slipped through.

    As to the additional problem with page numbers, either of @Rintze's suggestions sound sensible:

    > One option would be to fall back from using any custom delimiter to the delimiter set on cs:layout whenever two neighboring years or year-suffixes are separated by additional content (like a locator). This could be a configurable toggle.

    > Or we could introduce another delimiter, like after-locator-delimiter.
  • I confirmed with the student that he had manually removed the author's name for the repeated references. So, he is using Chicago Author-Date and it is behaving the way you mentioned. I don't think that this happens that frequently for most users, but if a fix is possible, it would probably be worthwhile for those using this style. Many thanks for your continued efforts and quick responses. Much appreciated!
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