"Notes" section blank + unresponsive

  • Also, once something breaks, other things will quite likely break, so don't worry about the tags, and make sure that every time you try to reproduce this you've restarted Firefox immediately before.
  • Also, if you're running any sort of security software on your system, try disabling it. Something pretty strange seems to be happening here.
  • Security software - how do I check on this? I'm on a 2013 Macbook, running OS X 10.8.5.
  • Okay, I tried to run the debug again.

    ID: D656910806.

    (I know figured out what the 3rd step means...try to click on the Notes area, got it. That was confusing me before.)
  • edited May 30, 2014
    No, the relevant action is selecting a note item in the middle pane, not trying to click on the right-hand pane. Open Zotero, scroll to a note but don't click on it, enable debug output logging, click the note item in the middle pane so that you see the problem, submit.
  • The Debug ID is D663928285.
  • I tried to follow your instructions, hope I did that correctly.
  • Closer, but that looks like you clicked on an attachment, not a note.
  • (Though attachments have notes as well. Is that what you're referring to, or does this happen for regular notes as well?)
  • edited May 30, 2014
    This is the area where you can write, below the file info, to the right of the main viewer area.
    Oh, re-reading your first post, I now see that maybe that's what you've been referring to this whole time?
  • Hi Dan,

    I'll try to clearly describe what is going on.

    Far left column - folders, with tags below that area, then a search window/box right at the bottom.

    Middle column - reads "Title" at the top, then has the files I'm put into folders/uploaded, which I can still click on. When I click on one...it opens up info. in the third, far right column.

    Far right column - shows the file name at the top, then filename, modified, indexed, related, tags. Below that is an area where I've been writing notes. Essentially a Word doc. area, I think.

    I have been taking notes in this box/area. However, starting yesterday morning...when I click on a file in the middle column, this "notes" area is blank. And, I can't add anything new to it...it's essentially dead or blocked.

    I don't know what changed, I don't know how to see all those notes I took.

    Sorry for the confusion. I wish I was better at sorting this out myself, but I'm not sure what is going on.
  • It's this a group library? Or are the items inside "My Library"?
  • Hello,

    I'm not positive. How can I tell the difference?

    I will say that these are all files, PDFs, images, etc. that I have personally collected. They're all saved on my hard drive (and backed up on an external HD), but I'm using Zotero to organize them and tag them for the purpose of grouping them to then write about them.
  • Look in the left column. See this image for what group libraries would look like: https://www.zotero.org/static/images/support/group_libraries.png it displays "My Library" at the top and then two group libraries. All with multiple collections
  • Okay, then I'm pretty certain these are all in "My Library."

    I have not/am not sharing this with anyone and these are all journal articles, PDFs, digital images of files, etc. that I have collected myself.

    Based on the image you linked and in looking at what I have in my Zotero window...the items are in "My Library. (no group library.)
  • Are you able to add a new item or attachment to your library? (Try the green + button in the toolbar)
  • Yes, I added a new item view the + button in the tool bar.

    However, I can add Tags...but the notes section is still un-clickable. Can't put the cursor there, can't add any text in there.
  • Could you take a screenshot that shows this, upload it somewhere (Dropbox, imgur.com), and provide a link here?
  • The bottom right corner pane...that is the area where I have taken notes...that are no longer showing up.
  • Any chance that the font is just white? Can you click on one of the note fields, type some letters (even if you can't see it) and then press Ctrl/Cmd + A? Does that highlight anything?

    Also, could you turn on the notes column in the center pane? At the top right corner of the center pane there's a button that you can click to show/hide columns. Show the "Notes" column and see if it indicates any notes for items that you expect to have notes.
  • WOAH! Okay...so yes, I can't see anything, but I did type in the notes section, did a select all, a copy...and then pasted it into a Word document and YES, it shows up! What I typed is showing up in the Word doc.

    Damn, I think you figured this out. I have no idea how this happened.

    Now...not positive have I can get it back to black text. Ideas?
  • Click on the "HTML" button. Copy paste the contents here for one of the (shorter) notes. Make sure you select "Text" before posting.
  • Part 2 - YES! If I click the far right icon/button and "show notes" yes...then in that column I get a number 1 next to the files that I have added notes to.

    All the tags and related are also appearing again.

    So now I just need to figure out how to unhighlight the notes section...
  • Is this what you are after? I clicked HTML in the notes section, then it opened a separate window, I copied and pasted that below, with "text" clicked down below.

    <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Chapter 5</span> - Food Admin. How to Stimulate Participation in High Schoolers in NSLP</p>
    <p><strong>Food</strong> as Lack of Interest</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p>Problem of low participation in NSLP</p>
    <p> </p>
  • And this is the text that you cannot see??
  • Yes, if I click on the Notes section, which appear blank, but do a "select all" then paste that into a Word doc, yes, the Notes that I'd like to see do appear.

    I can't see it in Zotero, but it is there, and can be copied/seen in a Word doc.
  • edited May 30, 2014
    Hmmm, that's a bit unexpected. I'm out of ideas for the moment. Maybe Dan knows something (could be something specific to Mac OSX). If you're syncing, can you see the notes online on zotero.org under My Library?
  • edited May 30, 2014
    Bit of a long shot, but try reinstalling Zotero Standalone.

    (Edit: your data will not be removed, but you're welcome to make a backup)
  • I'm not syncing right now but yes, I can see the notes in My Library on zotero.org. That is what I've been doing for the past day or so while still trying to work and dealing with this problem. I can see the notes via zotero.org, but not as nice/easy to use as in the Zotero window/pane/viewer.

    Okay, so I should...uninstall and then reinstall Standalone?
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