Switcher for Quick Copy Format
I find that I am very frequently going into the preferences to switch between about four different formats for Quick Copy as needed for different programs (TEI, Chicago, Wikipedia, etc.), to the point that I sometimes end up leaving the Export preferences open all the time. Would it be possible to duplicate the selector for this as a submenu under the gear button in the main screen (maybe only displaying the most recent five or so formats used)?
Another option — not mutually exclusive — would be a toolbar button that performed a quick copy, either as a button using the pref or with the same MRU/submenu.
Another option here is adding something to the item context menu, though that's getting rather crowded. But the functionality would be more somewhat more discoverable than the keyboard shortcut that way (which still wouldn't be clear even with a switcher in the gear menu). It'd be less discoverable than a toolbar button, but maybe more appropriate, since not everyone uses this feature.
many thanks!
Do you happen to know what the javascript code is for using a particular translator? One could then assign particular translators to keyboard shortcuts.
var pref = 'export.quickCopy.setting';
var origSetting = Zotero.Prefs.get(pref);
var newSetting = 'bibliography=http://www.zotero.org/styles/chicago-author-date';
Zotero.Prefs.set(pref, newSetting);
Zotero.Prefs.set(pref, origSetting);
To get other formats, change the value of newSetting. For example, for RIS it would be 'export=32d59d2d-b65a-4da4-b0a3-bdd3cfb979e7'. You can go to about:config via the Firefox address bar or the Advanced pane of the Zotero preferences and copy the value of extensions.zotero.export.quickCopy.setting after you change the setting in the prefs to get the appropriate value.