Non-arabic numerals?
Is it possible to get Zotero to translate arabic numerals to non-arabic ones? For example, some Japanese publications require page numbers written in Chinese characters, like this:
四○四~四○五頁 which would be p.404-405 in English.
It's a simple 1-to-1 mapping between Arabic and Chinese numerals. Can this be done using locale tricks?
四○四~四○五頁 which would be p.404-405 in English.
It's a simple 1-to-1 mapping between Arabic and Chinese numerals. Can this be done using locale tricks?
Depending on the citations style this info needs to be converted. Making the client aware of cjk numerals and the proper conversion, would be a nice tweak.
Page numbers in titles with multiple fascicles (卷) might be something worth to keep in mind as well. Technically speaking volumen ≠ fascsicle, maybe it should be in the zot client....just food for thought.