1.0.6 + FF3.0 Minor bugs: Search box x doesn't work & Z pane doesn't resize with browser window


These aren't high runners.

1. clicking the little 'x' in the search box used to clear the field; not any more.

2. in previous versions of Z when I resized the browser window, various things in the Z pane became invisible; i.e. they fell outside of the boundary of the resized browser window and the Z pane did not resize to keep elements visible (e.g. the icons on the top R corner of the pane). This is still there in 1.0.6. This behaviour that also used to affect the search box seems to have been fixed, though.

On the good side, Z boots up faster now (1.0.6 +ff3) and on my desktop (faster X2 4800+) machine the search works much faster as well - it can almost keep up as I type my search string.
  • 1. clicking the little 'x' in the search box used to clear the field; not any more.
    Yeah, we noticed that one but haven't gotten to it yet. Ticket created, thanks.
    2. when I resized the browser window, various things in the Z pane became invisible; i.e. they fell outside of the boundary of the resized browser window and the Z pane did not resize to keep elements visible (e.g. the icons on the top R corner of the pane)
    The three columns have minimum widths defined, so this is by design. The collections pane and items pane min-widths could probably be reduced, however.
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