Drag notes to doc with citation

I work with both Zotero and Word open and visible at the same time, so I naturally (for me at least) try and drag and drop my notes into Word, but alas, only the first line is dropped. Tjowens suggests that:

"Your best bet for moving notes form Zotero into the text of your paper is to have both Zotero and your word processor open and simply cut and paste the text as needed.'" http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/1929/help-please-how-do-i-insert-citations-to-word-processors/#Item_2

And that's what I do, but it's several extra steps (not hard ones to be sure, but it is distracting). But then, I have to add the citation as yet another step and If i don't do this right away, i have no way to know where the note came from. (without searching in Zotero that is). Sure, I can fairly easily drag a bibliography referance, but then I still have to add a citation. It would be nice to have all this automated! :)

So, on my wish list:

1. Drag and drop the whole note AND
2. Have the citation (in the appropriate format) go with it.

Sure the page number won't show up because as of now that's not tracked in the note. That's ok, I embed it in the note, so at least it's there.

This would streamline my work flow tremendously.


P.S. If this has been discussed beyond the post I cited, I couldn't find it. Sorry.

EDIT: OK, I just discovered that I can "select all" in the note and drag that. That's an improvement, although I would still like to just drag the note, but I could probably live with this function. HOWEVER, I'd still like it to "auto-cite". :)
  • I'd like to second this request - this kind of automation would make my workflow substantially easier!
  • most of this request, or at least something that accomplishes most of this request, has now been implemented in the dev build. See this thread.
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