Bug in display of rightmost panel (detail view)

not a major impediment to me, but might be useful problem to report, as it might point out a more general problem.

It seems that IF you create something by take a snapshot of current page" and then decide that it belongs to a reference and move the snapshot under that page, that works fine, and the rightmost panel will display appropriately the material about that snapshot.

However, if you then click on another item in central panel, the right detail panel is "frozen" on the snapshot details.

No amount of fiddling I tried was able to make it display anything else but the "moved snapshot"page . The only thing that worked as I had to delete the snapshot, to get back a detailed view with right focus

If I right click and ATTACH snapshot it seems to work fine, though.

Using mozilla firefox v 2 on Windoze.
  • This appears to happen when the snapshot being moved is the last item in the items pane. It causes an error that hangs the items tree.

    Switching to another collection and back should unfreeze the right pane.

    I've fixed this in SVN. Thanks for reporting it.
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