paste image into note field or similar?

Sometimes a simple image might be helpful to attach to an item for organizing and presenting research. (not a whole web page, just a figure from it or an external image that is still relevant). Unless I am missing something, it looks like internal notes do not accept images.

One could include a gif, jpeg, or png when doing a "send selection to Zotero note" or allow cut and paste into an (old) note field or new ImageNote field.

Alternatively, one could do this by attachment, but that has some problems.

One problem includes the attachments are not internal to zotero, so, as example, exporting and importing across computers will fail if attachment is an external file in some external directory structure (and new computers are occasionally needed!) Or on same computer, this can create a problem when a directory is accidentally changed I was not paying attention and created an attachment to a temp folder (where I normally put downloaded stuff), for example. and I lost a figure.)

If force us to use attachment, perhaps have option to have attachment be copied and moved under a Zotero subdir so it can be somewhat protected from changes? However, messing with a file intermediate saved in hard drive would still be less efficient than just cutting and pasting.

Not an "urgent" need, perhaps but useful to think about in future releases?

  • Image and file saving are now supported in beta 3. Just right-click a URL or image and save the object as a Zotero snapshot.
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