repeated citations

Dear Zotero-Friends,

for some time now (i think since some time during one of the last version changes) my CLS gives me a different output when it comes to repeated citations. What it used to do: whenever i had a repeated citation (not interrupted by section break/chapter or other reference) it put down "ibid." What it does now: It puts "Ebd." There is nothing different with the CLS and I have absolutely no idea why it does that. Any ideas??

Would be geat if somebody could help me out!!

Here is the CLS that is us:

Best regards,
  • the language of terms like "ibid" is determined by
    a) the default locale of your style (which your style doesn't have) and
    b) the locale of your Firefox version (or the OS for Standalone).

    Needless to say "ibid" is English and "ebd" is German.

    It's pretty easy to set a default locale in a style, but you'd first have to convert your style to csl 1.0

    then add
    default-locale="en-US" to the line beginning with <style
  • Hey,
    thanks for the advice!! I tryed to convert the CLS using "shell tools" but the converter produced an error:

    /var/chroot/tmp/FOO9zUkhJ:80: parser error : Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding !
    Bytes: 0x84 0x22 0x20 0x73
    <text variable="title" prefix="„" suffix="“"/>
    unable to parse /var/chroot/tmp/FOO9zUkhJ

    I have trubble interpreting what the problem is here. Do you know wht I need to change here in order to convert the CLS propperly?

    Thanks a lot
  • The file has been edited with a tool that saved the quote mark in some (legacy) encoding other than UTF-8. If your editor has a "save as UTF-8" option, saving it in that way should get you going.
  • Thanks!
    I used TextEdit (mac) to save the CLS in UTF-8 (even though I thought the file already has that encoding – it says: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> at the top) but it still comes out with the error...
  • If you paste the code to, save it as a public gist and post the URL link back here, I can take a look.
  • Here it is:
  • Still... =( this is my output on the shell tools page:

    /var/chroot/tmp/FOO576TSY:26: parser error : Input is not proper UTF-8, indicate encoding !
    Bytes: 0x84 0x3C 0x2F 0x74
    <term name="open-quote">„</term>
    unable to parse /var/chroot/tmp/FOO576TSY
  • Oh, sorry. I converted the file to CSL 1.0 already, so you don't need to apply the XSLT transform. Just install it directly in Zotero.
  • Ah okay – I see you also made the corrections in the CLS regarding the repeated reference. Thanks for that!! I updated the CLS by draging it into my Firefox window but it still shows "Ebd." and not "ibid." in case of repeated references
  • And: I just realized that another thing that seems to have changed is that in the bibliography this very CLS used give a standard formating where each bibliography item/paragraph is formated as "hanging" (first line normal, other lines pulled in to the right by 1 cm); now it pulls in the first line of each paragraph. Might this be an effect of the change between the versions?
  • To get the new style to take effect, switch away to another style, then switch back. This version should be pegged to the en-US locale, showing Ibid.
  • that style would not produce ebd. ever - try it in a new document.
    I'm not sure what you're seeing for the bibliography - the style has hanging indent coded and that's what should happen. Again, try this in a new document for troubleshooting.
  • Hey! Thanks again for the helpful input!

    It is still a little weird though: I switched back and forth between the styles as you suggested and now the style produces the wanted "ibid." but capitalizes is (as "Ibid.") which it should not do. Also the layout of the bibliography now has bullet points in front of every cited work; which is extremely weird. Also: when I insert (drag-and-drop) the CLS into FireFox it tells me:

    "Mit dieser XML-Datei sind anscheinend keine Style-Informationen verknüpft. Nachfolgend wird die Baum-Ansicht des Dokuments angezeigt."

    So, there is allegedly no style information attached to the file (not sure what that means)
  • edited July 26, 2012
    You can ignore the warning about "no style information", it's not an error.

    Capitalising the ibid is an English convention, and is applied automatically according to context. You can force the ibid to lowercase by adding an attribute text-case="lowercase" next to term="ibid".

    I don't know where the bullet points would be coming from.
  • that works with the "ibid." thanks! Regarding the bibliography: I changed the styles back and forth again and the bullet points disappeared... now the bibliography is "hangig" as it should be, though it is all in bould letters and I am not sure why that is...
  • I'd delete and reinsert, that might do the trick. There seems to be some odd formatting that has snuck in there.
  • I did as you said and it works now, thanks so much!!! Two more things I am fiddling around with with no siccess: (1) i am trying to get the spacing in the bibliography from normal spacing to one and a half lines. (2) I am trying to get rid of the "DOI" in the bibliography. Any chance you could give me some hints on that??
  • 1) isn't possible in the style - do that with the "Bibliography" style in Word, this applies:

    2) look for the variable="DOI" and delete the entire line.
  • Ah, i was looking for "DOI" in the bibliography section but it was further it now; Thanks for the advice.... now it works fine!!!
  • Dear All,

    I seem to be having the problem discussed above, only I am no computer person and am not sure how to change things.

    Basically, my mac died last week. My phd is written in English and so far the footnotes have been perfect, ibid and all. I bought my new computer in Germany and now all the newly added quotations say "ebd". It meanst my docs are now a meddle and I really need to sort this out asap.

    But I am not sure how, even after the previous comments.
    Sorry! I'd be very grateful for your advice.

    best wishes!
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