Style Request: Clio Medica (or how to add op. cit. to (Chicago Full Note)

  • 1. Another tricky one. You actually need to define this in the terms. Lucky for you, the style already defines some terms, where it removes the period for editor & translator:
    <locale xml:lang="en-GB">
    <term name="editortranslator" form="short">
    <single>ed. &amp; trans.</single>
    <multiple>eds &amp; trans.</multiple>
    <term name="editortranslator" form="verb">
    <single>ed. &amp; trans.</single>
    <multiple>eds &amp; trans.</multiple>

    Now you just need to do the same for an editor:
    as a third term, add <code><term name="editor" form="short">
    right in l. 39, i.e. before </terms>

    2. Add name-as-sort-order="all", delimiter-precedes-last="always", and sort-separator=", " to l. 56, i. make it
    <name and="text" delimiter=", " initialize-with="." name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always"/>

    currently, this will affect both the notes and the bibliography, since you're using the same macro - container-title-note - for both. If that's not what you want you'll need to create to separate versions of that macro (actually - container-title already exists, you're just not using it) and use the latter one in the bibliography. You'll then also need two separate versions of the editor-translator macro - one for notes, one for the bibliography. That's a bit of work, but shouldn't be very complicated.
  • 1. Perfect and thank you yet again. The term "editortranslator" is only for those instances when a contributor is both an editor and translator?
  • Does it matter what I call the macros? Can I just create a macro called "editor-translator-biblio"?
  • macro names have no programming function except as a link to each other - so when you write <text macro="editor-translator"/> csl prints the contents of the macro that's marked as <macro name="editor-translator">...</macro>
    That said, what you do in a style that's going to be part of a public repository should also be oriented to help future users/coders find their way in your style. In this case my suggestion would be to keep with the logic of the style, i.e. adjust the macro "editor-translator" for the bibliography and create "editor-translator-note" for use in the notes.
  • That's more work (I think), but I take your point and will try and implement it that way.
  • shouldn't be more work - you can just switch the names around
  • Wow - that worked perfectly.
    Draft is now updated

    There are now just a couple of things that I can find wrong.

    One is the use of brackets for certain items. If a book (or edited volume, etc) lacks a place of publication the first bracket surrounding the place of publication, publisher and date is missing. Thus, in a note, you'd get something like this:

    W. Gaddis, The Recognitions Harcourt Brace and Company, 1955).

    Likewise, if a book (or edited volume, etc, but not a journal article - this is probably a clue as to how I could fix this?) lacks a date of publication the last bracket surrounding the place of publication, publisher and date is missing. Thus, in a note, you'd get something like this:

    W. Gaddis, The Recognitions (San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace and Company, n.d.

    I've created this problem myself due to the way I've added brackets as prefixes and suffixes to certain categories. I've obviously done this incorrectly but can't quite figure out how exactly I've erred. Could you help?
  • Actually, I know how I've erred, but I haven't as of yet been able to hit upon a solution.
  • The solution is to use group prefixes and suffixes?
  • yes, you can (only) get this right with group. Here's the idea w/o spelling out the variables.
    <group prefix="(" suffix=")" delimiter=", ">
    <group delimiter=": ">
  • Disregard the bracket question above. Thanks.
  • Oh - thanks - I didn't see you'd already posted a reply. It clicked eventually. Part of the problem is that the style is so long and keeping track of where everything is. Plus there are loads of terms and their effects which I simply don't understand yet - but I'm getting there (very, very slowly).
  • Also, I would kill for a search function in the test pane (there is, I know, if I use firefox but as often as not you get locked out of that after a while and it will only search in the output frame; no idea why this is so).
  • yeah - the lack of a search function sucks. If I do serious edits in a style like Chicago I never use the test-panel, but a good text editor with xml mode (jedit or notepad++ are obvious choices) which also helps you prevent some syntax errors.
  • Learning jedit seems like a whole other project. What plugin do you use with it for editing Zotero styles?

    I think this style is pretty much done - though there may be some minor tweaks.

    Thanks again for all your help and advice. :)

    The updated version is available at the link below. I don't know what the process is for adding this to the repository. Maybe I should use it for the next week or so just to make sure there are no issues before it is uploaded?
  • edited July 2, 2012
    I use emacs and gedit (on linux) depending on what I do.
    Emacs is great - it indents properly, it has live-validation, it integrates with git - but getting started with that _really_ is a project. Gedit is like notepad++ (windows) or TextWrangler (mac), which are probably the best options for you.

    I don't actually no jedit very well - Dan likes it a lot.

    edit: yeah, try this out a couple of days and then let us know. We'll upload the style to the repo for you. Later changes aren't a big deal, either, though.
  • Ok I'll check out the text editors when I have a bit more time.

    Actually I've just thought of a few changes I'd like to make for archival sources (manuscripts). I'd like the archive name to come before the call number as this follows typical reference practices. Also where an archival item has no author or title I'd like it to use the archive name and call number rather than only look for the author or short title for subsequent references of the same source.

    Anyhow, thanks again and goodnight :)
  • OK. I've one more and hopefully final request. For subsequent citations of manuscripts and letters which lack either an author name or title I'd like to be able to disambiguate on the basis of archive, archive-location and call number. For document types that had either an author or a title I'd like them to continue to use contributors-short and disambiguate on the basis of title-short. It would be important that, if filled, entries for all three of these fields (Archive, Archive-Location, Call-Number) would appear in the citation. I've restyled manuscripts and letters in the macros for archive and archive-note so that where authors and titles are lacking this style outputs Archive, Archive Location, Call Number in that order.

    I've tried to see if this would work in principle by replacing line 827 which reads
    text macro="title-short"
    text macro="archive-note"
    but this has no effect on the output as subsequent references of manuscript or letter types which lack an author and title field.

    The kind of effect I'm looking for is:

    NAI, DOH Series, RB/73/2384/F/Supplement, op. cit. (note 5).

    Where "NAI" (National Archives of Ireland) corresponds to the Archive, "DOH Series" (Dept. of Health Series) corresponds to the Archive Location and "RB/73/2384/F/Supplement" corresponds to the Call Number. If any of these fields were empty I'd still like it to output the remaining fields in the above fashion.

    I attempted this by inserting the following code at line 830.

    <else-if disambiguate="true">
    <text macro="archive-note"/>
    <text value="op. cit." font-style="italic"/>

    Obviously, I had no joy. Is there any way of doing this?

  • Actually, I'm probably labouring under a misapprehension. It's not disambiguation as such which I want but rather where manuscripts and letters have empty author and title fields that the style will output Archive, Archive_Location and Call Number together with op. cit. and (note #) for subsequent cites.
  • And you already provided the solution in your previous comments: I put the text macro="archive-note" into the macro="contributors-short".

    Works beautifully. I really think that this is how archival sources should be treated for UK/Irish note citation styles.
  • Mostly, there are just little tweaks remaining but there's one item I'd like an opinion on. According to this style where an edited collection has previously been cited and a chapter article from that collection is later cited the author and article title are given in full but the edited collection itself is referred to simply by the last name of the editor(s) (unless disambiguation requires the inclusion of the short title of collection) and this is then followed by op. cit., (note #), [page number(s)].

    Thus the style in this instance would be rendered as:


    1. J.J. Doe and P. Smith (eds), An Edited Collection (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999).

    7. A. Quinn, 'An Article in an Edited Collection', in Doe and Smith, op. cit., (note 1), 75-89.

    This system is actually insane because if I subsequently cite that article by A. Quinn it's going to refer me to note 7 which is then going to refer me to note 1.

    To take a real world example from a Clio Medica publication:


    24. D. Bennett, 'Work and Occupation for the Mentally Ill', in H. Freeman and G. Berrios (eds), 150 Years of British Psychiatry, Volume II: The Aftermath (London: Athlone, 1996), 193.

    59. J. Andrews and I. Smith, 'The Evolution of Psychiatry in Glasgow During the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries', in Freeman and Berrios, op. cit. (note 24), 310.

    75. Andrews and Smith, op. cit. (note 59), 314.

    78. Andrews and Smith, op. cit. (note 59), 315-6.

    91. Andrews and Smith, op. cit. (note 59), 314.

    Anyhow, it's not a huge issue as it shouldn't arise too often but where it does, because of its potential effect on the way that notes reference each other, resolving it manually could be a pain.

    I'm guessing Zotero can't apply this system but if there are any suggestions or workarounds I'd be delighted to hear them ...
  • yeah, that can't be done, nothing even close.
  • I figured it was a long shot but was hoping there was some way to utilize the "related" feature in the Zotero database ... still, it's amazing what Zotero can do. Tweaking the style is also a bit addictive (and a way to avoid actually writing)
  • I have a small problem if anyone has the time to look. I can't get urls to appear for article-journal or article-magazine. I've no idea why. Any help would be much appreciated.

    Latest draft:
  • haven't looked at the code but:
    Zotero by default doesn't print URLs for items that have a page range. You can toggle that behavior in the cite tab of the preferences.
  • Thanks adamsmith. Anyway to also suppress the access date in such an instance?
  • if you test for <if variable="URL">... Zotero returns false in these cases - i.e.
    <if variable="URL">
    <accessed date>

    will not print the accessed date when there is a page range (given the default settings).
  • Brilliant. I wasn't aware you could use missing values in this way
  • Sorry, but I have yet another issue I can't seem to solve on my own. There are no such issues in Chicago full note, which was my starting point, so it must derive from changes that I introduced. Anyhow, although trivial, I can't successful resolve the following two issues.

    1. When a title has both an editor and a translator there is an extra, superfluous ", " between the two:

    A. Author, Title, Editor, Eimear (ed.), , Translator, T. (trans.), (London: Routledge, 1999).

    2. When there are two translators, the second translator's first name is not initialised:

    A. Author, Title 3, Translator, T., and Translator2, Second (trans.), (London: Routledge, 1999).

    Everything is fine when a book just has an author and one translator (and no editor).

    So far as I can figure the relevant code for the extra ", " is from line 61. I can partially resolve it by removing translator from that line and creating underneath a new choose->if editor=variable and then defining the translator but this seems to introduce many more problems. I'm a bit stumped.
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