Style Request: Clio Medica (or how to add op. cit. to (Chicago Full Note)


I have to submit some work to the academic press, Clio Medica (Wellcome Series), which is an imprint of the publisher Rodopi.

The style sheet for Clio Medica gives the following information regarding the formatting of references:

• All quotations must include an endnote reference. The following style should be used for references:
1. J.J. Abraham, Lettsom: His Life, Times, Friends, and Descendants (London: Heinemann, 1933).
[The note number must be followed by a period. Authors initials only with no spaces in between. Capitalise
the first letter of all Proper Words. Separate clauses with a colon. References to multiple articles/books must
be separated by a semi-colon.]
2. E.H. Ackerknecht, ‘Hygiene in France, 1815–1848’, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, xxii (1948),
117–55: 121–2.
[Please note the style when referring to specific pages within an article.]
3. H. Dickens and P. Herbert (eds), Great Works (London: Type Press, 1983), 37–143.
4. Smith, op. cit. (note 4), 235–67.
[When cross-referencing to a earlier note, op. cit. and the note number in brackets must be used.
Additionally, use only the author’s surname, ommiting initials - do not use idem to avoid confusion. If there
are multiple references to the same author in the earlier note, add an abbreviated version of the article’s title
to which you are referring - Smith, Previous Book, op. cit. (note 4)...]
5. A. Brown, ‘Title of an Essay’, in T. Author (ed.), Book of Essays (London: Press, 2000), 24–40.
6. Ibid., 25.
[Use idem for cross-referencing within a note; ibid. for the previous note and op. cit. for notes further away.
Do not cross reference to notes in other chapters, simply give publication details again.]
• En-dashes not hyphens used for page ranges: e.g. 117–55, not 117-55.
PC/Windows users: Consult your ‘Character Map’ utility if unsure of the correct key combination to produce an en-dash.
Mac users: en-dash = option (alt) + hyphen
• More than three authors/eds – use the first name followed by et al.
• Omit p. and pp.
• Notes should be labelled as such and located at the end of the document. Not ‘References’ or ‘Endnotes’.

The nearest existing style from the Repository which I have been able to find is Chicago Manual of Style (Full Note). Thus far, and with my limited abilities in the use of CSL, I've managed to change the journal volume number to roman numerals and the double quotes used for article titles, book chapters, etc., to single quotes.

The remaining differences are:

1) that author first names have to be changed from full names to initials (which I haven't tried to do yet)

2) that op. cit. should be used instead of the shortened title form. It seems unlikely to me that for subsequent citations Zotero would be able to automatically reference the footnote where the original and full citation was first made, as required by this style, but I'd be delighted if I was wrong in that. However, if anyone could indicate how I could simply format subsequent citations so that they would include the authors last name, short form of title and op. cit. it should be possible to do the rest manually. Subsequent citations should read as

Berrios, op. cit. (note 16), 74.

However, where multiple publications by a single author are cited then the short form of the title should be used with op. cit.

Berrios, 'Delusions', (note 16), 74.

As I've said, if, as I suspect, it's impossible to create/modify a style to match these requirements, the following format for subsequent citations should be sufficient and I could do the rest manually:

Berrios, 'Delusions', op. cit.

It's a very convoluted system but I'm stuck with it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
  • you can do this, yes.
    1. Is easy - you just use initialize-with=". " in the relevant cs:name elements where the other characteristics of the authors (delimiter=, " name-as-sort-order="first etc.) are defined.

    2. Is a bit more work, but not terribly so. You'll be working in the citation section in the part that's defined by <else-if position="subsequent" and change it to something like (untested):
    <else-if position="subsequent">
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <text macro="contributors-short"/>
    <if disambiguate="true"> <!--This will only give you the title when multiple works exist by the same author -->
    <text macro="title-short"/>
    <text value="op cit." font-style="italic"/>
    <group prefix="(" suffix=")" delimter=" ">
    <text value="note"/>
    <text variable="first-reference-note-number"/>
    <text macro="point-locators-subsequent"/>

    you may have to play a bit with prefixes or groups to get the punctuation right, but this should give you the right ideas.
  • Thank you so much for the prompt and excellent reply
  • Adamsmith,

    I'd like to thank you again as your additions work perfectly and provide precisely the solution that I asked for.

    Unfortunately I made an error in my request as the disambiguation example I provided is incorrectly formatted.

    Thus,subsequent citations where disambiguation between an author's titles is not required reads:

    Berrios, op. cit., (note 16), 74.

    But where disambiguation is required (as multiple texts by an author have been cited) it should read as:

    Berrios, 'Delusions', op. cit. (note 16), 74.

    and not:

    Berrios, 'Delusions' (note 16), 74


  • It's ok I eventually figured it out ... thanks again
  • (yeah - you just have to move the op cit out of the <choose>...<else>..., glad you figured it out.
    Please make sure to share your style once you feel it's in a usable condition:
  • Absolutely - once I get a few things figured out!
  • I'm getting there but I appear to be stuck on what I think should be a pretty simple issue. That is, when citing a chapter section of an edited volume getting the editor(s) to appear before the book title.

    It now formats the citation:

    John Suet, 'A Diet of Chocolate Lasagne', in Weight Gain the Easy Way, Alan Duodenum (ed.) (London: Routledge, 1988), 45-62.

    It should format the citation as:

    John Suet, 'A Diet of Chocolate Lasagne', in Alan Duodenum (ed.), Weight Gain the Easy Way (London: Routledge, 1988), 45-62.

    I'm sure the answer is obvious and I've found a few suggestions on the forum but I haven't gotten them to work.

    Any pointers would be most welcome.

    A working draft of the citation style is available at the link below.

    Thank You
  • Disregard the previous post as I've figured out a solution for this. Aside from a few remaining oddities it's pretty much there.

    These oddities include:

    With archival documents (I use manuscript or document for these) when the date is left blank "n.d." is entered. I'd prefer if this was not the case as a lot of archival items don't have dates, as such (or the date/date range is included in the 'title' of the document.

    Draft style at the link above has been updated and if anyone would care to check it out it would be much appreciated. There are bound to be some very ugly additions to the code given my ignorance of csl.
  • The n.d. is set in line 503 of the current version of the style.
    You can put in some workaround using
    <if type="manuscript" match="none"> or so. Not that you _cannot_ test for the document item type*, which is why we recommend to avoid using it.

    *if you really have to you can do it by testing for the absence (for a positive match) or presence (for a negative match) of all other item types. But that's pretty clunky and should only be a last resort. I have that in one style on the repository, but I got paid to do that ;-).
  • For a manuscript type would it possible to write it up in csl so that it could handle a date range, such as 1923-34, or that type of thing?
  • edited July 1, 2012
    not currently, but we'll get there.
    edit: to be precise: CSL can do this already, but Zotero can't parse date ranges correctly.
  • Thanks adamsmith!

    I've another issue to do with date formats.

    For most of the document types (books, articles) etc just include the year. However, the date formats of letters has to be handled a little differently to include day month year.
    I thought this would be fairly simple and I've tried the following code inserted at line 484 Clio Medica Style (draft)

    <else-if type="letter" match="any">
    <date variable="issued">
    <date-part name="day" prefix"dated " suffix=" "/>
    <date-part name="month" suffix " "/>
    <date-part name="year"/>

    But this has no effect - likewise if I insert match="all". If I insert match="none" it changes the date format for all document types.

    Any suggestions?
  • Sorry for typos and grammatical errors.
  • the code above is exactly right, but there is no item type "letter" -
    it's "personal_communication"
    This site is your friend (it's slightly outdated, but not in any significant ways):
  • Excellent and thank you. That's what I figured but I couldn't find the type that would correspond to letter.

    Thanks for the link - it's very useful :)
  • Adamsmith, the code which you kindly provided allowing for the use of op. cit. with a reference to the first use of the full citation is that below.

    <else-if position="subsequent">
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <text macro="contributors-short"/>
    <if disambiguate="true">
    <text macro="title-short"/>
    <text value="op. cit." font-style="italic"/>
    <text value="op. cit." font-style="italic"/>
    <group prefix="(" suffix=")" delimiter=" ">
    <text value="note"/>
    <text variable="first-reference-note-number"/>
    <text macro="point-locators-subsequent"/>

    Would it be possible to adjust this so that where a reference has no author the short title could be used (this is mainly for archival materials).

    Currently, if a reference lacks an author the subsequent note looks like:

    op. cit., (note 6).

    I would like it to look like

    'Short Title', op. cit., (note 6).

    There's one more query (and I'm sorry for taking up so much of your time) would it be possible to selectively remove quotes from the title of particular document types? I'd like to remove quotes from the title of manuscript and possibly letter documents only - this would more closely fit the formatting of archival resources.

    Thanks again.
  • 1. This will actually go into the contributors-short macro.
    add as line 198, i.e. as the last line in <substitute>
    <text macro="title-short"/>

    2. selectively removing quotes: Those are set in the title macros (title, title-note, and title-short). Look e.g. at the title-short macro:
    in l. 269-271 it determines which titles to put in italics. Then in line 272-274 it puts quotes around the rest.* Depending on what you want you can move item types into the else-if for the former or create another else-if for titles that are neither in quotes nor italics.

    *as a note - you should use quotes="true" rather than the hard-coded quotes in the style (prefix="& #8216;" suffix="& #8217;"). Zotero is smart about inverting quotes within quotes in titles (e.g. 'The meaning of "quote" in modern English'), but only if you use the quotes="true"
  • 1. I can safely say it would have taken me an age to figure that out.

    2. I've removed the hard coding and used the locale styling [en-GB] for quotes. I've used quotes="true" for the relevant documents. I should be able to figure the rest out.

    Thanks again.

    Clio Medica (Draft)
  • Perfect! I think it's done I'll wait until Monday before adding it to the repository as I need to double-check a few items.

    Thank you so much!
  • 1. I can safely say it would have taken me an age to figure that out.
    no worries. You picked (or rather - were forced to deal with) the trickiest type of style and template to work with. I didn't touch Chicago style until I had coded dozens of others.
    A lot of the things you're working with didn't even exist in the old version of CSL (i.e. before Zotero 2.1). You seem to be doing very well with the "normal" stuff, and you will be able to feel rightfully proud once you're done with this.
  • Thanks for the kind words adamsmith and thanks for providing solutions to all the tricky problems.

    I have one more issue (at least) that I haven't been able to resolve. That is the one I've asked about already above seeking to suppress "n.d." when no date is entered for a manuscript document. I know you provided a solution above but I haven't been able to get it to work, as of yet.

    You stated above:
    The n.d. is set in line 503 of the current version of the style.
    You can put in some workaround using
    <if type="manuscript" match="none"> or so.

    So I've tried entering <if type="manuscript" match="none"> both before and after the:
    <text term="no date" form="short"/>

    But to no avail. I'm obviously getting something wrong but it isn't obvious to me.

    Any advice much appreciated.
  • I think this should work if you replace

    <text term="no date" form="short"/>


    <else-if type="manuscript" match="none">
    <text term="no date" form="short"/>
  • edited July 1, 2012
    Edit - see Rintze above - that's much more elegant. I'm leaving this in case it helps you understand how these loops work.

    <if type="manuscript" match="none">
    <text term="no date" form="short"/>

    each if has to be embedded in choose tags. While choose loops can be nested, they cannot overlap.
  • Thank you both. I hit upon another solution by accident (a typo).

    <else-if type="manuscript">
    <text term="no date" form="short"/>

    As I've no idea why this worked or what other effects it might have I've implemented Rintze's solution.

    I take it that match="none" means that the subsequent arguments won't apply to designated document type (or whatever category)?

    What's the difference between match="any" and match="all"?

    Thanks again.
  • I'm afraid I have one more issue.

    As things stand the full citation of a manuscript or letter does not enclose the title in quotation marks (which is excellent).

    However, the short title of these document types (manuscript and letter), when used in citation, does enclose the title in single quotation marks. Ideally, the short-form of these document types would also not enclose the title in quotation marks.

    The situation currently is:

    1. Letter to Arthur Dent, dated 17 October 1948, GMH, CB Female 1955-56, Reg. 28513.
    2. Reg. No. 37562, GMH, Female CB, 1909-13.
    3. ‘Letter to Arthur Dent’, op. cit. (note 1).
    4. ‘Reg. No. 37562’, op. cit. (note 2).

    and the desired formatting of the above is:

    1. Letter to Arthur Dent, dated 17 October 1948, GMH, CB Female 1955-56, Reg. 28513.
    2. Reg. No. 37562, GMH, Female CB, 1909-13.
    3. Letter to Arthur Dent, op. cit. (note 1).
    4. Reg. No. 37562, op. cit. (note 2).

    The coding of the relevant macro is as follows:

    <macro name="title-short">
    <if variable="title" match="none">
    <if type="interview">
    <text term="interview" text-case="lowercase"/>
    <else-if type="speech" match="any">
    <text variable="genre" form="short"/>
    <else-if type="personal_communication manuscript">
    <text variable="title" text-case="title" form="short"/>
    <else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture report song" match="any">
    <text variable="title" text-case="title" form="short" font-style="italic"/>
    <text variable="title" text-case="title" form="short" quotes="true"/>

    I can't figure out what I've done wrong. The current version of the style is available below.

    As always, any help will be gratefully received.
  • Additionally if I change the line

    <else-if type="personal_communication manuscript">


    <else-if type="personal_communication manuscript" match="any">

    it doesn't resolve the situation.

    If I change the lines

    <text variable="title" text-case="title" form="short" quotes="true"/>


    <text variable="title" text-case="title" form="short"/>

    It removes quotes from the short titles of manuscripts and letters but also, understandably, it removes them from other document types such as journals which is undesirable.
  • you want to use this:
    <else-if type="personal_communication manuscript" match="any>
    <text variable="title" text-case="title" form="short"/>

    but further down than you have it right now - note that the part where you have it right now is a subelement to
    <if variable="title" match="none"> - i.e. it will never apply.

    Instead, put this just after:
    <else-if type="bill book graphic legal_case legislation motion_picture report song" match="any">
    <text variable="title" text-case="title" form="short" font-style="italic"/>

    and it will work.
  • Ah, that makes sense. Thank you so much.
  • I can no longer edit the original draft version of the style that was hosted on github so I've had to create a new one (I've also created a github account so that this won't happen again).

    The current draft can be found at:

    There would appear to be now only two issues outstanding.

    1. The singular and plural variants of editor for this style are (ed.) and (eds). However I haven't been able to strip the period from the plural form and so it appears as (eds.). Any advice on how I might do this.

    2. For chapter sections of edited collections in the bibliography the names of editors appear as First Initial(s) followed by Last Name (e.g. D.S. Banks). I need this to be reversed so that they appear as Last Name followed by a Comma, a space and then the First Initial(s) (e.g. Banks, D.S.).

    In the bibliography, chapter sections of edited collections are currently formatted as:

    Renvoize, E., ‘The Association of Medical Officers of Asylums and Hospitals for the Insane, the Medico-Psychological Association, and Their Presidents’, in G.E. Berrios and H. Freeman (eds.), 150 Years of British Psychiatry: 1841-1991, vol. 1, 2 vols. (London: Athlone, 1991), 29–78.

    They should be formatted as:

    Renvoize, E., ‘The Association of Medical Officers of Asylums and Hospitals for the Insane, the Medico-Psychological Association, and Their Presidents’, in Berrios, G.E., and Freeman, H. (eds), 150 Years of British Psychiatry: 1841-1991, vol. 1, 2 vols. (London: Athlone, 1991), 29–78.

    Any help would be much appreciated.
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