AutoZotBib: Automatically-updating BibTeX export from Zotero

  • It'd be a minor change to export libraries, I just want to do more performance testing before that goes out. The plumbing is all there.
  • I might have noticed a small issue:
    There are german authors in my references with umlauts in their names. After enabling "keep updated", the export format seems to have changed. Before, the umlauts have been exported as e.g. "Schr{\"o}der". Now they are exported as "Schröder".

    I tried to enable "Display character encoding option on export" under "Preferences > Export". However, no window pops up when exporting my bibliography or collection. Could this be related to the new feature or did I change something else without noticing?
  • (probably better to move this to the BBT issue tracker -- this is still technically the thread about the AutoZotBib add-on, though as I say above, I'd strongly recommend anyone interested in the functionality to use BBT instead).
  • I would indeed strongly prefer to do this on the issue tracker at, but I'll take whatever I can get in terms of problem reports.
  • Thanks a lot, guys!
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