APA 6 -> Complete first name in Bibliography
Hello. I would like to get a small change in APA 6. I want the first name being complete in bibliography, or complete name being shown as it is in zotero database.
In place of:
Silva, J. (1998).
I want to get:
Silva, José (1998).
If you are a teacher, there makes absolutely no sense to hide from students the name of an author.
I presume it is not that hard to make this change in bibliography. There are many "Silva, José (1998)." styles but, as far as I can see, none follow the other APA 6 rules.
In place of:
Silva, J. (1998).
I want to get:
Silva, José (1998).
If you are a teacher, there makes absolutely no sense to hide from students the name of an author.
I presume it is not that hard to make this change in bibliography. There are many "Silva, José (1998)." styles but, as far as I can see, none follow the other APA 6 rules.
Even so, now in place of
Silva, J. (1998).
I get
Silva, José. (1998).
while I want to get
Silva, José (1998).
The point "." after the name, can probably be related with the sufix in next line, but how to delete it?
<text macro="author" suffix="."/>
change that to
<text macro="author"/>