Please help to recognise the style

What kind of style is this? Thanks for the help.

Hollander, E. P. and Julian, J. W., "Contemporary Trends in the Analysis of Leadership," Psychological Bulletin 71 (5), 1969: 387 397
  • how do citations look in the text?
    This is not a common style, having the date in the back like that is unusual.
  • Professor demands this style, apparently APA 6 is not good enough.
    He wrote this example in a doc file that he sent to students with his exact orders.

    Here is the second example but now for a journal article:

    Segal, D. R., "Leadership and Management: Organization Theory", in Buck, J. H. and Korb, L. J. (Eds.), Military Leadership. Beverly Hills: Sage, 1981: 41-69
  • Sorry, I don't think I have seen this before. Also, I still don't understand how this is going to be cited in the text - presumably this is not an author-date style.
    (I gotta say, it's also a bit rich of a professor to demand his/her own citation style and than have errors in the examples - in the second example, the comma would need to be inside the quotation marks).
  • I agree, demanding ad-hoc citation styles is annoying.
    Whats the closest style to his demand? I will do manual tweaking to get close as possible.
  • again, depends on what's required in the text - you could have a look at the Wheaton PhD style.
  • I need a style in Zotero.
  • I don't understand what that refers to. Wheaton PhD is in Zotero.
  • Wheaton College PhD BITH is the full title.
  • I meant a recommendation that i can use in Zotero.
  • as I say - the style is on the repository. I don't quite get how you're going to pick a citaiton style if you don't know how in-text citations should look (or if you do, why you're not telling me).
  • In text citation should look like this:
    (Einstein 2002)
  • ok - then there's definitely nothing resembling this on the repository. There is no author-date style that' doesn't start with author and date in the bibliography. (for good reason there isn't!).

    Pick any author date style (Harvard? APSA?) - and move around the date in the bibliography.
  • I found that "Modern Humanities Research" citation style came pretty close, with a bit manual tweaking, i am there.
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