Loss of document settings and citation recognition every time document is closed.


Every time I reopen my document, I discover that Zotero no longer remembers what the document settings are. Furthermore, it seems that it fails to recognise previously inserted citations or bibliographies as such - they are just ordinary text, do not refresh and citations do not generate new bibliographic entries.

I am faced with manually re-inserting ALL citations and generating a new bibliography with every session. As the document grows, this is getting infeasible.

I am using a .doc format in LibreOffice (full version details below) for compatibility with co-authors' systems. Consequently, I am using the "bookmarks" option for citations.

I've have had several problems (here and here) with this document - in fact, several versions of it, including a new document where I copied and pasted all the text from an earlier version. This problem has continued across two separate installations of Libre Office (and Linux Mint, 10 and 11).

This is making the work very difficult. I imagine I am not the only one to go all open source (below) and yet still work with colleagues on other platforms. Is this this an inexplicably funny thing with just this document - I can't see mention of it in the forums, but could have used wrong search terms - or is it more fundamental?

Help please,


Linux Mint 11

Libre Office 3.3.2,
OOO330m19 (Build:202), tag libreoffice-, Ubuntu package

Firefox 5.0

Zotero 2.1.8
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