New Style, plz upload: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms


I created a citation style for "Earth Surface Processes and Landforms" journal. A very comon journal in Geomorpohology.
The style is based on the "Geomorphology" style from the repository. It worked well for an article with +50 references. And perfectly simulates the instructions for authors citation:

I deposited the file under the following link and would be pleased if someone could upload it to the repository.
Best regards,
Matthias Siewert
  • Thanks - looks like it's almost there, but right now it's a csl 0.8.1 style with some elements of csl 1.0 - that might work, but won't do for the repository.
    Validate the style in 0.8.1., auto-update to csl 1.0
    and repost - also, the style currently doesn't actually link to itself, you should fix that.
  • Hi,

    thanks for your help. I updated the file. It validates now against csl 1.0. And perfectly emulates the journals example citation.
    I do not understand what exactly you mean by "link to itself", but I hope the header is fine now.
    I updated the original gist link:

    With kind regards,
    Matthias Siewert

    Ps: Note for everyone using, if you get the following error:
    IO Error: Non-XML Content-Type: text/x-csl.

    Try text field instead of file upload. (coulnd't find anything regarding this in the forum yet.)
  • great, it's up. Sorry for the link thing - I just misread a line, there was never a problem.
    I've changed style-name and ID to earth-surface-processes-and-landforms
    we've come to prefer more content rich IDs except for the best known styles - this isn't documented yet so no way you could have known, I'm just letting you know so you understand the changes I've made (I also deleted a couple of redundant lines, mostly options that were set to their default value.
  • Thanks for uploading.
    It can be installed and works well, but I am afraid to tell you, that it would not gernerate a preview in the repository.
  • That will just take some time - the repository usually takes about a day or so to update the previews - Dan explained why that is in detail somewhere, but I forgot. In any case - if you still don't see a preview in a week let us know, but this is almost certainly fine.
  • It should take 20 minutes max to generate a new preview. That style has a preview.
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