citation window automatic resize
when I add a citation in Mac Word, the window that opens (i'm calling it the "citation window" because i don't know what it's called) is always very narrow and requires that I manually resize it every time I add a citation (otherwise I can't read enough of the title/author/etc.). If i hit "multiple authors", it resizes it to the narrow size *again*. I spend more time than I want resizing that window.
Could the citation window be set to open wider, or could i resize it once and then each time I added a citation it would revert to that new, wider size?
Could the citation window be set to open wider, or could i resize it once and then each time I added a citation it would revert to that new, wider size?
Thanks a lot
Thanks a lot!
But here: chrome/content/zotero/integration/addCitationDialog.js I made a find.
In line 215 (popup.resizeTo(1150, dialog.getAttribute("height"));)
and in line 229 (popup.resizeTo(900, dialog.getAttribute("height"));) I changed the numbers. Maybe this is not the best way but it worked.
You'll have to wait until someone actually fixes this to remember window size.
I think that Zotero in Firefox 4 is actually unpacked by default, so it's really just a matter of making one change to one file.
The file is [Firefox profile directory]/extensions/
Make the change using a text editor (not Word!).
If you mess something up, you can reinstall Zotero and this will be fixed.
If you are confused about this, you may want to ask a tech-confident friend to make this change for you.