Item Type error - everything imports as web page when they are articles
In the past few weeks when I import journal articles into Zotero, they end up imported as web pages and then I need to manually search and fill in volume, issue, page number etc
I think it happens on both EBSCO and ProQuest. Neither of those two will import directly to Zotero for me so I need to first export them to a folder and then from folder view export them as a Reference citation. That always worked in the past - ie a journal article was captured as such but now they are always captured as web pages for some reason.
I think it happens on both EBSCO and ProQuest. Neither of those two will import directly to Zotero for me so I need to first export them to a folder and then from folder view export them as a Reference citation. That always worked in the past - ie a journal article was captured as such but now they are always captured as web pages for some reason.,
Edit: I don't think there ever were any issues with Zotero and Firefox 3.6 - on the contrary, there have been some issues with 3.5 in the past.
1. The databases I use are EBSCO Business Source Premier and ABI / INFORM (ProQuest) and these are accessed via my University's network. I am not sure if there is a built in "Athens" identification to further complicate matters.
2. Search terms - almost any but most recently I was looked at articles using a variety of terms such as segmentation, customer selection, methods overall and in the Journal of Interactive Marketing for which I am preparing a manuscript.
3. OK then I will upgrade to 3.6; I always wait for it to be stable as the discussion fora do have threads of people with some issues whenever FF gets updated
4. I have the latest Zotero version and yes I do use the 2 series solution
However I still have the problem. I tested with a download off ProQuest an article by E Malthouse titled: Ridge regression and direct marketing scoring models and it came up as a web page still
and the page for the article:
contain multiple items. The translator in the addressbar (folder icon) reveals the ProQuest translator is being used. Clicking and choosing articles leads to items being imported as journal articles.
I will use EBSCO as my first choice database! But still annoying.
Specifically for you, Stan, I'd suggest you focus on figuring out why proquest isn't working for you - it does for me and noksagt. So try disabling other FF add-ons, restart FF and try again. If it still doesn't work, open a new thread with a Report ID for the failing Proquest translator, including a specific list of search terms you used.
For the rest of us - I think figuring out how the RIS translator fails would be good because it seems like potentially a more general problem - and I can't for the life of it track down what makes it fail. The RIS looks clean and even if I change some lines to make it look more like Zotero's own RIS it still imports as a website, although the entries clearly begin with
Thanks to noksagt for the patch.
FYI I have no add ons, and the only non Zotero related extension is "screen grab"
Your help is much appreciated. After midnight now in London so I will close down.
As adamsmith reminded you: there is a ProQuest-specific translator that works for him and works for me. Because it does not work for you, we should still troubleshoot that issue.
I cannot export the reference directly to Zotero from the little icon on the right hand side of the addressbar - I get an error message that this is a known translator issue. I have always had this and, when I brought it up a year or two ago, Dan suggested it is due to the particular nature of the proxy I use from my University.
So we have restored the functioning to where it was and that is great. It is but a small inconvenience to have the added step of exporting references via a folder.
The search was in EBSCO global, for author Mccarty and publication "Journal of Business Research"; that generates articles from 2007 and 2004