Cannot import PDF files from a list of articles
I am trying to import the articles from this list of search results:[{"field":"all","value":"drop","operator":"AND"}]&sort=relevance&per_page=20&article_type=article
From Firefox, I get the folder icon, selecting the connector "DOI".
It takes some time to load, and then I select 3 of the articles listed:
For the other 2, I have access to the PDF file through my institution, recognised by my IP address. The import of the PDF file for these 2 fails from the group import.
I then open the page of the article of the last one. It uses the APS connector and correctly imports the PDF file.
Is it possible to fix the group import so that it also imports the PDF files?
Zotero 7.1-beta.23+6787dcd59 (64-bit): The Debug ID is D1862321123.
Zotero Connector 5.0.151: The Debug ID is D943607017.
Firefox 136.0.2 (64-bit)
Windows 10
Probably related to this earlier post:[{"field":"all","value":"drop","operator":"AND"}]&sort=relevance&per_page=20&article_type=article
From Firefox, I get the folder icon, selecting the connector "DOI".
It takes some time to load, and then I select 3 of the articles listed:
The first one is open access. It is correctly importing the PDF file.Chantelot, P., Coux, M., Domino, L., Pype, B., Clanet, C., Eddi, A., & Quéré, D. (2018). Kicked drops. Physical Review Fluids, 3(10), 100503.
Willmott, G. R., Briole, A., & Szczepaniak, F. (2020). Inertial capillary uptake of drops. Physical Review E, 101(4), 043109.
Yao, W., Maris, H. J., Pennington, P., & Seidel, G. M. (2005). Coalescence of viscous liquid drops. Physical Review E, 71(1), 016309.
For the other 2, I have access to the PDF file through my institution, recognised by my IP address. The import of the PDF file for these 2 fails from the group import.
I then open the page of the article of the last one. It uses the APS connector and correctly imports the PDF file.
Is it possible to fix the group import so that it also imports the PDF files?
Zotero 7.1-beta.23+6787dcd59 (64-bit): The Debug ID is D1862321123.
Zotero Connector 5.0.151: The Debug ID is D943607017.
Firefox 136.0.2 (64-bit)
Windows 10
Probably related to this earlier post: