APA 7 article titles incorrectly capitalized.

edited 2 days ago
Half the time when I use Zotero to create references in APA 7th edition, the journal article title has incorrect capitalization. I have combed through recent changes from APA 6 to 7 but using "sentence case" capitalization (everything lowercase except the first word, proper nouns, and the first word after a colon) for journal article titles remains the standard as far as I can tell. Why isn't Zotero doing this correctly? Here's an example copied directly from Zotero:

Rendall, D., Vokey, J. R., & Nemeth, C. (2007). Lifting the Curtain on the Wizard of Oz: Biased Voice-Based Impressions of Speaker Size. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance, 33(5), 1208–1219. https://doi.org/10.1037/0096-1523.33.5.1208

From the style manual, a correct APA 7 citation should be:

Rendall, D., Vokey, J. R., & Nemeth, C. (2007). Lifting the curtain on the Wizard of Oz: Biased voice-based impressions of speaker size. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance, 33(5), 1208–1219. https://doi.org/10.1037/0096-1523.33.5.1208

I have dozens of other examples from Zotero. I wrote an entire book chapter using Zotero for my bibliography in APA, and I encountered this issue constantly. It is annoying to have to correct the capitalization of every journal article title.

Can this please be fixed? Are others encountering this?
  • Did your Zotero at least manage to italicise the Journal Title? I have noticed there are some things from APA 7 that Zotero doesn't handle properly. This is one of those issues.
    Until it's fixed, I always have apa.org and Purdue OWL open, so I fix the citations as I go. I have become very familiar with Word's format painter and the Change Case tool.

    For whatever shortcomings, Zotero's still pretty great and saves me a lot of time!
  • edited yesterday at 5:00pm
    @mb22la Zotero’s APA style is extremely accurate and tested against the APA manual, so if you are seeing something you think isn’t correct, please report it. It very likely is a bug or misunderstanding.

    Especially things like italics should never need to be manually corrected, so if italics aren’t showing correctly, something is wrong.
  • Should I leave a comment for every time I see something? Or compile a list and send it somewhere?

    E.g., I posted about a week ago (I think) that the podcast template doesn't include a date, but there's certainly a date according to APA. In fact, there are key things that are always included, which are author (or organisation or title where those other things can't be found), date, and title when authors exist. So, if any of the templates don't include a date, that's an error.
  • My professor commented on needing to ensure that the issue and page numbers need to be italicized in the APA7 formatting style which Zotero does not currently seem to be doing for me...
    Any suggestions?
  • edited 2 hours ago
    Your professor is wrong. See APA's own guidance here: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples/journal-article-references#1

    The volume should be italicized (and Zotero does that), issue and page numbers should not be.
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