Can not download Full Text PDF even if I have access (MacOS and Safari)

I just switched to a MacBook and I was using Zotero while using my Windows PC and I didn't had any problem with connector. But now I am using Safari and I can not download PDF files with the connector. When I use connector to save to Zotero it does not save the PDF but just the ieee website. There is a red X sign on the left of "Full Text PDF" and it does not download the PDF at all. What should I do ?

This is the paper :

I just checked with another Windows PC and it worked without a problem.
Does Zotero really not work with macOS? That's really not nice...
  • Zotero works (and is largely developed) on macOS.

    We'd want to see a Debug ID from Zotero for reloading the page and trying to save.

    You should also try 1) another browser (Firefox, Chrome, Edge) and/or 2) an open-access file. Safari's extension framework is much more limited than other browsers, so there are some sites where Zotero isn't able to save files via Safari that would work in other browsers (though we're trying to improve that), but I'm able to save that IEEE Xplore open-access file from Safari without a problem.
  • @dstillman okay it downloads the pdfs of open-access ones but not the ones that I have a institutional access
  • D200963081 this is the Debug ID . I don't want to use another browser to be honest
  • I really need an answer for this. I just cant attach PDFs to my zotero library with the Safari Zotero Connector. There is a red X on the left of Full Text PDF in the extension.

    Yes it works with chrome or it works when I try to use a openaccess article but I mostly use Safari and Institutional ieee access.
  • I'm afraid it's just what I say above — that Safari limitations prevent this from working on some sites that require authentication or employ anti-bot measures. We document this as a limitation of the Safari Connector.

    As I say, we're working to change how Zotero downloads files to try to fix this, and that's likely to help in this case, but for now you'd have to use another browser if it's not working in Safari for a given site.
  • So its not something about my settings or setup then ? Do you mean no one is able to download PDF with Safari Connector from ieee.explore with the Institutional Access?
  • @dstillman you said "but I'm able to save that IEEE Xplore open-access file from Safari without a problem." can you try to save a Institutional Access with pdf from ieee?
  • On my university's network, the pdf file from the link above is saved just fine via Safari. I assume it is the proxy detection that fails, where Safari is limited (but of course, dstillman would know more).

    Can you connect to your institution's network via vpn and save to safari after that?
  • edited December 20, 2024
    @enozkan for me its not like I have full open access just by connecting to my institution network. I need to use my login credentials to gain the access (like a Moodle login) but it works without a problem with Chrome (using a MacBook) but doesn't download if I use Safari.

    Problem is not the network I tried with 3 different wifi connection none of them worked so far.
    Can't really someone solve this ?

  • I've explained this twice already — there's no other answer. I've said we're working on a new download method that will work around this limitation in Safari. Until then, you'll need to use a different browser for this site. If you're able to connect via a VPN as @enozkan suggests, that would be an option as well.
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