Can no longer edit the note section within the item pane

After updating to 7, I no longer have the ability to type notes or alter the notes that exist in the item pane. Even when I attempt to migrate to a standalone note I still cannot edit.
  • You can't edit embedded attachment notes (the notes that appeared in the right-hand pane after clicking on an attachment) in Zotero 7 — you have to convert them to sibling child notes (for child attachments) or standalone notes (for standalone attachments). What do you mean when you say you attempted that?


    Prior to Zotero 7, with each source (pdf) there was a window on the right where you could type notes. After the update to Zotero 7 the notes I made are still there (smaller window now) but I cannot edit them or add to them. The buttons above indicate that I should be able to format text, text color, etc... so I should be able to alter my notes but I cannot.
  • Yes, that's what I'm referring to. Embedded attachment notes are no longer supported as editable notes. The toolbar probably shouldn't be there, but that's just the note editor's read-only mode. As I say, you have to migrate the notes if you want to edit them.

    The problem here is that you're not really using Zotero the way it's meant to be used. You only have standalone attachments, so your only option is to convert these notes to standalone notes, in which case they won't be linked to the attachments. You generally should be creating parent items for attachments. See Standalone Attachments and Parent Items for more on this.

    I'm a bit curious about your Zotero usage, though. It seems like you're using Zotero essentially as a PDF manager, with no need for metadata (title, author, etc.), citations, multiple child notes, HTML snapshots, or any of the other features of regular Zotero items. Is that correct?
  • So I will have to download an older version of Zotero to access the note section again? Essentially you are correct. I am an historian and Zotero allows me to sift through most of my sources quickly, first through tags and then through the notes section - so I really need the note section as it was. If you know of a better program for accomplishing this, I'll migrate to that instead.
  • edited August 16, 2024
    Well, I'm explaining that the way to use Zotero is to create parent items (or, in most cases, let it create parent items automatically), not to just keep a library full of PDFs with no metadata. Then you would just convert these to regular child notes of the parent item, and you can create as many child notes under an item as you want. These attachment notes were always an esoteric, little-used feature.

    Given how Zotero works, you actually have to go out of your way to avoid ever creating parent items (never saving from article pages, disabling metadata retrieval, etc.). Not sure why you took this approach?
  • Not to point out the obvious - but clearly I don't need the metadata. I posted in here to determine how best to get my notes section back, not to get snarky comments on the correct way to use Zotero. Like I said, if you know of a better program that will allow to digitally retain and sift through thousands of sources, by all means, do share.
  • What? You're wildly misinterpreting me here. Obviously Zotero is a program designed to help you digitally retain and sift through thousands of sources — that's what it does. I'm just explaining the reason we're no longer supporting these attachment notes, and pointing out that you would have to be doing a lot more work to get the result you're getting rather than just using Zotero as it's designed.

    It's not even clear to me that you understand what I'm saying about the attachment notes vs. child notes and what the normal approach here would be. We can expand on that, but it's not clear that you're interested in a genuine conversation here.
  • To get the results I need, you actually have to read the sources. Everything I put in Zotero is a book, newspaper, or letter, etc... that I have read and made notes on. I don't need metadata, I need to weave through content I've uncovered for a narrative. If there is someway to recreate a note window, to be used as I was using it, then I would appreciate you sharing this information rather than drag this out. I have a system that works for me.
  • edited August 16, 2024
    Are you under the impression that people who use Zotero the way it's designed to be used don't read PDFs? You know that's one of the main points of Zotero, right? You open PDFs by double-clicking on the parent item.

    I've explained multiple times how to continue using notes — the normal way that most people who use Zotero use notes, by creating child notes on regular items they've saved, usually by clicking the save button in their browser. I'm still not sure you actually understand the normal Zotero workflow and why what you're doing is a lot more effort, but given your attitude here, I'm not going to spend more time on this.
  • Is there someone else providing assistance on here? You've been less than helpful.
  • I mean you're using Zotero in a way that is not very efficient and not the way it's intended to be used. Of course that's your right - but apparently it also doesn't do what you need it to do. To achieve that you'd have to follow dstillmans advice, which he patiently tried to explain - right click on your PDF, create a parent item, then you can convert your note or create a new note for the parent item and keep using the notes more or less like you're doing now.
  • Great, well, the advice provided is not producing the result I need. Never mind, it seems I cannot get an answer on here without a concomitant lecture on efficiency. I've reached my threshold for condescension today. I will use an older version of Zotero so I can continue my inefficient usage and will somehow find a way to sleep soundly at night despite this egregious trespass.


    I mean it would look something like this - maybe I'm fundamentally misunderstanding the way you work, but this seems to reproduce exactly the functionality you described.
  • Being able to tab through all my sources by clicking on the arrow key - while looking at my notes for each source - will allow me to quickly ascertain which sources have the subject matter or exposition I need. Having to tab down for each source to see notes would take significantly longer. There is nothing efficient about your method based on what I need Zotero for.
  • As I understand the discussion:
    - For each entry in your library, you want to have one PDF file and one note.
    - As you navigate between the entries in your library, you want to be able to see and edit the note associated to each item directly in the right-hand pane, without additional clicks.
    - In Zotero 6, you were using standalone attachments and embedded attachment notes to achieve that. This was not possible after creating a parent item, as the item pane of the parent item does not show you the content of the notes.
    - This is not possible anymore in Zotero 7, because embedded attachment notes have been discontinued.

    Unfortunately, it is not possible to achieve what you want in Zotero 7 yet (and I don't know any other program doing that).
    Considering your feedback, I agree that it would be a useful feature to be able to see and edit "primary" notes directly in the Item Pane while switching items in the Items Tree. That would probably be done in the Item Pane of a parent item, with a PDF attachment and a Note attachment, as it provides many important features of Zotero. Either in the Notes section, or in the lower part of the pane.

    Some pages I found useful:
  • If it's just about seeing a few sentences about the item, a workaround could also consist of putting the information into the abstract field (of the parent item). This would allow for the same workflow of using the arrow keys to switch between items quickly. You would of course lose some note-taking functionality (especially formatting), but if I understand your workflow correctly that wouldn't really matter.
  • Thank you. Even though there doesn't seem to be a solution yet, thank you for taking the time to understand the issue at hand. I greatly appreciate it.
  • edited August 16, 2024
    Being able to tab through all my sources by clicking on the arrow key - while looking at my notes for each source - will allow me to quickly ascertain which sources have the subject matter or exposition I need
    The Zotero 7 item pane has a Notes section that shows the first paragraph for each child note. You can pin that (double-click on the Notes icon or right-click → Pin Section) and then move through your items with the arrow keys, seeing the first paragraph from each note. It's one click to then move to the full editable note.
  • I think this is what dstillman means:

    Zotero 7 can show multiple child notes under a regular item, which is more friendly to users like me. You may need an extra click to edit the child note compared to the old attachment note, but that does not affect the workflow you described as `tab through all my sources by clicking on the arrow key`.

    I hope that helps.
  • I am totally on craddick's side, and upset by this update. It just renders the use of Zotero more cumbersome. Before, below a parent item, you had one PDF and you could just type in some notes. Now more clicks are needed. The software has just been made less efficient. I'll try to revert back to a previous version.
  • edited 2 days ago
    @bixiou: I'm not sure what "clicks" you think are needed here. You can add a child note to an item with a single click from the toolbar, from the right-click menu, or from the item pane. You don't need to expand it the item and find the attachment, and unlike with embedded attachment notes, you can add any number of child notes. This is the standard way most people have used notes in Zotero for almost two decades. Again, embedded attachment notes were an esoteric, little-used feature.
  • I also absolutely miss the note section in the attachment pane. The way I have been using it is adding specific descritions of image files nested under an entry. Now I have to add each image as a separate item - which is not necessary when they share all other info such as photographer or copyright.

    Imho the way it is now has made zotero worse for this particular use case (while everything else is really good).
  • @kschmit2: If they're different items — with different titles, dates, etc. — it would be appropriate for them to be different items. If they're part of the same item, the attachment title provides a space for a description.
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