When using Zotero's Word plugin, an error occurs

Report ID: D1084473498
Operating system versions: Win11
Word versions: Microsoft 365MSO (版本 2407 Build 16.0.17830.20056) 64 位

In a .docx file, clicking on "Add/Edit Citation" displays an integration error with Zotero. An error occurred with Zotero while updating the document. Measures already taken:
(1) Restart both Zotero and Word.
(2) Ensure you are using the latest versions of Zotero and Word.
  • edited August 10, 2024
    [JavaScript Error: "An unhandled exception occured. [getDocument:y:\zotero\word-for-windows-integration\build\zoterowinwordintegration\document.cpp]"]
    We haven't reproduced this ourselves, but there've been some reports with the same error that seemed to be related to the Windows UAC feature:


    You can try disabling or changing the level of UAC. If that works for you, let us know what it was set to previously and what you had to change it to to make it work.
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