Connected/linked folders in subcollections
I've articles in collections which overlap between different scopes (i.e. "Renal Cell Carcinoma" with "Nephrology" and "Oncology" and "Urology").
Zotero already allows keeping links of articles saved once in different subcollections.
However, when I add a paper to the collection"Renal Cell Carcinoma" I'd have to add it manually to all the subcollections "Renal Cell Carcinoma" in "Nephrology", "Oncology" and "Urology".
Connecing/linking folders would make this a lot easier.
I've articles in collections which overlap between different scopes (i.e. "Renal Cell Carcinoma" with "Nephrology" and "Oncology" and "Urology").
Zotero already allows keeping links of articles saved once in different subcollections.
However, when I add a paper to the collection"Renal Cell Carcinoma" I'd have to add it manually to all the subcollections "Renal Cell Carcinoma" in "Nephrology", "Oncology" and "Urology".
Connecing/linking folders would make this a lot easier.
I think there's a wordaround: