[Zotero 7 Beta] Tag to annotation not saved when clicking away

If I add a tag to an annotation in the PDF Reader, clicking away does not save the edits.
But if I do the same from the Tags section of the Item Pane, the edits are saved when clicking somewhere else.

I would expect the same to happen in both cases, so save the edits.

Zotero 7.0.0-beta.99+174bde745 (64-bit)
Windows 10
  • edited July 15, 2024
    Also beta 7 99 but Mac

    I've noticed the same issue with tag edits but also with other fields in Zotero itself. I would find helpful if some clarification could be made with this issue. Is it the intended functionality that it is necessary to tab away from every field to save the contents/edits? If not would it be helpful to have log or something else to investigate this further?

    Sometimes I can click out of a title and the changes are saved but sometimes not. It may have something to do with changing the title/sentence case setting AND making other text changes. I try to always tab out of an edited title but sometimes the edits aren't saved (I guess that I didn't tab out, after all).

    I encounter a similar problem with the abstract field. Sometimes, I write my own abstract and although I'm convinced I've tabbed-out to the next field, when I view a different record and return; there is no text in the abstract field and I must re-create the summary.

    edit: I've also observed this-
    I'll make a change to the abstract and click on a different field. The edited abstract continues to be displayed but, if I go to another record and then return to the record I just edited; the edited abstract has been lost.
  • @DWL-SDCA this is certainly a bug - all fields should save once they loose focus regardless of if you click or tab away. I’m having a hard time reproducing this issue so far though. Am I understanding correctly that it happens only sometimes?

    I did find one instance when edits to title or abstract fields may not get saved: if I edit the field, then switch to another window without clicking away, then switch back to zotero window and finally click or tab away from the field. In that case, the edits do not get saved. Is it possible that this is what you ran into?
  • Perhaps. When I can, I will aim a camera at my screen and let it run. Then edit out the irrelevant stuff. This is very frustrating and annoying because it doesn't always -not- save and because of its puzzling intermittency. I can mostly control the situation by tabbing but I suspect that it can happen even though I tab away. I can't rule out user error-- I do things from muscle memory and I'm getting rather elderly. I'll borrow a GoPro and set on the lowest usable resolution that will record a lengthy video.
  • @mjthoraval: Should be fixed in beta 101.

    @DWL-SDCA: We've also fixed the issue @abaevbog describes above where switching to another window and back while editing the field can cause Title/Abstract to lose edits.
  • Thank you.
    Another inconsistent behaviour:
    Pressing Escape on the keyboard after typing a tag saves it from the Annotations Pane, but discards it from the Item Pane. I am not sure which one is correct, but they should be consistent.

    Same problem of inconsistent behaviour of the Escape from the other fields.
  • @mjthoraval: Should be fixed in beta 103 — thanks.
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