JavaScript Examples Please for Adding Creators, Including them in Titles

I have near zero coding experience. I haven't been able to figure out how to tweak either the code on the Zotero site or in GitHub's gists to do the following with respect to a selected item:

1. Add a creator of type 'Recipient' to the existing creators (either "Microsoft" or "Smith", "Bob"), without changing the other creators.

2. Change the Title of the selected item so that it contains data from the Creator fields. Specifically, I'm trying to change the selected item, a "Letter", so its title is "Letter from" [author 1], [author 2] [ad inf.] "to" [recipient 1], [recipient 2] [ad inf.].

Regrettably, ChatGPT and Gemini just return "undefined' in the console... (If it makes a difference, I'm using zotero7)
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