Zotero pops up instead of citation dialog

  • You don't need to share the doc, no. We got the HTML, but I'm afraid that's still not the whole dialog. Be sure the whole link dialog shows as highlighted, not just part of it. The top-most element should be a "div", not an "li".
  • (And just to clarify, this is very technical and not normal troubleshooting we would expect someone to do, but you're seeing a problem that no one else has reported, so we're not going to be able to fix it without seeing the specific HTML that you're getting in your Google Docs. Thanks for your patience.)
  • Thanks for clarifying. I'm not a coder so this is all new. But I'm so grateful that you're sticking with me on this and happy to go through these steps. I just emailed you the complete HTML (or so I hope!).
  • That was it. We'll take a look — thanks!
  • Wonderful. Thank you!
  • Would you open that same link insertion dialog, take a screenshot and post it here? Your citation dialog has an unusual look based on what you sent us. Do you have any other Google Docs browser extensions installed? Does Zotero work if you remove them, or try using it with a different browser?
  • Here's the screenshot from Firefox. I have no other extensions on that browser. It does not look like I have any extensions other than Zotero in Google Docs either.

    When I try to add a citation in Google Docs on Chrome, where I do have some other extensions, nothing happens. No dialog box, no error message. Nothing. My extensions on Chrome are Google Docs Offline, Google Forms Autofiller, and Total Safety for Chrome (none of which I want to disable).

    I have the same issue when I try to add citations in MS Word. Nothing happens. So I'm having issues with Docs and Word.

  • If you run into a situation where nothing happens when attempting to cite with Zotero it means you have are already citing with Zotero somewhere else (like in a different browser). Restarting Zotero fixes that. Can you try in a different browser after a restart?

    You should post a screenshot of the Google Docs link insertion dialog (accessible via Cmd-K).
  • @adomasven, I just tried this:

    I closed Firefox, Word and Zotero and then tried to add citation in Chrome (Google Doc). It worked!!

    Then I tried the same process with Word, closing Zotero, Chrome and Firefox and it worked.

    I tried the same thing in Firefox but it didn't work. So I thought, if I can use Chrome and Word, that's great.

    But when I tried the same process again in Chrome and got the old error message. See attached.

    Any idea why it worked and then it didn't, even though I closed everything and restarted?

  • Once again, please post a screenshot of the Google Docs link insertion popup (which is opened by pressing Cmd-K or the Insert Link button in the Google Docs editor).
  • Now we have an all-new error message (when I use the Insert Link button in Google Docs on Chrome). See attached.

  • No, you're still misunderstanding this. We're not asking you for anything related to Zotero. We're just asking you to trigger the built-in Insert Link function in Google Docs and take a screenshot of it.

    But I don't think this is a great use of anyone's time, so the best we can suggest for now is to try the Zotero Connector beta for Firefox, which has some additional fixes, and see if that helps. If you're not able to test that, you can wait to try 5.0.120 for Chrome when it comes out.
  • You're right. I totally misunderstood. I re-downloaded the Zotero Connector beta for Firefox and it's working. So hopefully this will remain the case. I really appreciate all the support.
  • OK, great. Once Zotero Connector 5.0.120 for Chrome is out, you can let us know if you're still having trouble in that.

    You should also switch back to the non-beta Zotero Connector 5.0.120 for Firefox once that is out, which should be in the next day or two.
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