Transferred from Google Docs to Word and citation numbers start from 1
[Split from Zotero not working in Google Docs]
Hi, I transferred my document from Google doc to Word and seems like Zetero is working on the Word doc, but when I keep citing my paper from where I left over, the citation number starts from 1 again, which means all my previous citations didn't count in the Word doc, how am I supposed to fix this? Thank you.
Hi, I transferred my document from Google doc to Word and seems like Zetero is working on the Word doc, but when I keep citing my paper from where I left over, the citation number starts from 1 again, which means all my previous citations didn't count in the Word doc, how am I supposed to fix this? Thank you.
See for the current status. A fix is already available for Firefox and will be available soon for other browsers.