DataCite Import by DOI - incomplete metadata?

Hi everyone!
We have come across an issue with dataCite imports (DOI-Import by the magic wand).

If we import certain articles from a journal run by our institution (such as this: 10.48648/YHP7-0G75) - the metadata imported to Zotero is incomplete.
Link to DataCite:

First I thought it was an issue with DataCite, as some of their data-downloads (RIS/BibTex) seem to be rather sparse, however, the DataCite XML-file has the information necesarry - so it should be accessible via the API.

The response we got was, that Zotero probably doesn't make use of the field "relatedItem", which was introduced with their mata data-model v. 4.4.

Is this a known issue and/or is there something we might do to fix that?
Thx in advance
  • Addition:
    We miss data like the journal name, ISSN, volume etc.
  • Thanks -- I literally hadn't been able to find an example of a DOI/journal using the new 4.4 elements, so we never implemented them. I'll take a look (I've also been in touch with someone from DataCite who was interested in working on this) but it will likely take a month or two.
  • Hello Adam!
    Thanks for your quick reply and the good news!
    Also - you're welcome :) Always glad to help! :P
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