Zotero completely unable to download pdf articles
I have been using Zotero for a couple of months. I have the setting to "Automatically attach associated PDFs and other files when saving items" checked in Settings. However, Zotero seems completely unable to do this, even for articles that have a PDF freely available. Even more, when I select "Find available PDF", it fails 100% of the time, even for articles with a freely available and readily accessible PDF. I have several hundred sources entered using the Safari extension, and not a single PDF. Any solutions? Recommendations?
Are you sure you haven't disabled PDF saving in the General pane of the Zotero settings?
If you tell me that you need to navigate to the pdf page, then Zotero downloads the pdf but NOTHING else: no authors, nothg.
The issue here is just that you're saving to an open public group, which doesn't allow files.