On Zotfile development and Zotero 7

  • If I recall correctly, 'Wandering File' (zotero-file) and Attanger are the same thing. There was just a naming dispute along the way that caused the former to disappear for a while. And then reappear as Attanger. So it would be somewhat surprising if a feature that was in an earlier version is not in the later version. You could ask the developer @polygon here ...
  • +1 to building 'Attaching recent file' into Zotero 7.
  • Thanks tim820, I've made a Github issue here https://github.com/MuiseDestiny/zotero-attanger/issues/45 about the ability of Attanger to use citekeys generated by Better Bibtex.
  • Hi, I updated this week to Zotero 7 because v6 wasn't saving correctly papers from Science Direct into my library using the Zotero connector. Now I realize that the newer version it is still not saving correctly, plus I got the surprise that ZotFile is not available!!! I primarily use it for complex renaming and linking my files into external online library. Without these functionalities, I'm downgrading immediately to Zotero 6. What a pity!
  • @emenares
    Now I realize that the newer version it is still not saving correctly
    What do you mean? What is not saved correctly? Please open a new thread on that. (this might be related https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/114518/cant-save-sciencedirect-pdf-from-safari)
  • As a replacement for Zotfile, try the Attanger plugin: https://github.com/MuiseDestiny/zotero-attanger.

    If you're like me and can't read Chinese, translate the page in your browser. The plugin installs in your Zotero language. You can then configure the plugin in Zotero 7 under Edit > Settings > Attanger: things like the source path, the attach type, the destination path, custom filename format, keystroke shortcuts, whether to automatically rename and move attachements.

    It's quite close to Zotfile, which, together with Zotero, made my research, writing, and referencing life so, so easy. I still can't get Attanger (or maybe that's Zotero 7) to download free PDFs that Unpaywall finds. But that may be some weird thing in my system. I still have to figure that one out.

    I'm thankful for those who created Attanger. Not exactly the same as Zotfile (which was magic!), but very, very close to it.

    Last but certainly not least, a big shout-out to the very good people behind Zotero. What would this community do without all your hard work?

  • I can't believe that "attach new file" is not an option available in Zotero 7
  • No, the function in ZotFile was to attach the file last added to a specified (typically the Download) folder. It confused many people and wasn't super widely used (which is why it's not in Zotero 7, presumably), but some people really liked it.
  • Using Attanger would be a partial solution. Not quite the same, but it have an "Attach new file" option.
  • edited September 17, 2024
    Zotmoov and Attanger both have the "Attach New File" operation. It's very useful when you are forced to download a PDF without the Zotero web Connector. If you save the PDF to the folder you have designated for that purpose (I don't use the main Download folder), it's then a minimum number of clicks (right-click then confirm) for the file to be added to the selected item and moved to the designated linked files folder. Not quite the "watch" folder that some people think Zotero should have (but is more antithetical to how Zotero is designed), but perhaps half way there. ;)
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