A related problem is that if you perform a quicksearch and then add a Tag to a result it seems that Zotero runs the search again after the change; since in normal-sized library quicksearches are very slow (!) this makes adding multiple tags a pain (the browser freezes for many seconds).
A quick fix (until next release) would be to change in your chrome/content/zotero/xpcom/ the file search.js and at line 401 change the lines as following
if (condition=='quicksearch'){ var parts = Zotero.SearchConditions.parseSearchString(value);
for each(var part in parts) { this.addCondition('blockStart'); this.addCondition('title', operator, part.text, false); this.addCondition('creator', operator, part.text, false); //this.addCondition('tag', operator, part.text, false); this.addCondition('note', operator, part.text, false); this.addCondition('annotation', operator, part.text, false);
/*if (part.inQuotes) { this.addCondition('fulltextContent', operator, part.text, false); } else { var splits = Zotero.Fulltext.semanticSplitter(part.text); for each(var split in splits) { this.addCondition('fulltextWord', operator, split, false); } }*/
It's great to see improve quick search in the trunk. This and colored tags really make me look forward to the next version.
One request though: Would it be possible to add "Note Content" to the drop-down menu in the quicksearch bar? I think that would be pretty helpful for those of us who use notes extensively.
Another voice for quicksearching in note content!! The improvements with the drop-down menu are already great but searching note content as another option would really make zotero notes more useful.
It is somehow refreshing to read it is not only me who struggles with the "'quick' search". If the development team could do anything about it, I would be more than grateful. Even disabling it entirely would be an improvement, as accidental searches are more than annoying. As for the notes search, indeed, for someone as me who uses Zotero notes to add excerpts and comments to particular entries, it would be a major step forward. JR
1. Make the user have to hit enter before the search starts
2. Give users an option to turn off quick search altogether
Either of these would provide a solution.
This has been an issue for 18 months. I don't mean to complain so vociferously, but really, having an extension which freezes the browser for 20+ seconds is really unacceptable. It's frustrating as a user to have this happen multiple times a day, especially when it seems from the outside that a simple workaround could have been implemented.
A related problem is that if you perform a quicksearch and then add a Tag to a result it seems that Zotero runs the search again after the change; since in normal-sized library quicksearches are very slow (!) this makes adding multiple tags a pain (the browser freezes for many seconds).
A quick fix (until next release) would be to change in your chrome/content/zotero/xpcom/ the file search.js and at line 401 change the lines as following
One request though: Would it be possible to add "Note Content" to the drop-down menu in the quicksearch bar? I think that would be pretty helpful for those of us who use notes extensively.
How difficult would it be to:
1. Make the user have to hit enter before the search starts
2. Give users an option to turn off quick search altogether
Either of these would provide a solution.
This has been an issue for 18 months. I don't mean to complain so vociferously, but really, having an extension which freezes the browser for 20+ seconds is really unacceptable. It's frustrating as a user to have this happen multiple times a day, especially when it seems from the outside that a simple workaround could have been implemented.