Quick search not so quick: let us optionally search just title+author (and not fulltext)
I find myself using quick search less and less because it is relatively slow on a database with fulltext indexing enabled. And then when I want to quickly look up articles on a certain term I find I need to open Advanced search to search "in title". So in effect, having a fulltext indexed database takes the "quick" out of quick search. My love for quick search would be restored if there were an option to make it search titles and authors (and not fulltext).
I think this is a simple usability/interface issue that when fixed would make a lot of users happy.
I think this is a simple usability/interface issue that when fixed would make a lot of users happy.
On the other hand, I'm cluttering up with saved searches, but that is a whole different and existing feature request.
1. create a option in preferences to globally switch on/off quicksearch.
2. When quicksearch is turned off (or when you use the "-prefix in quicksearch: A google-like search syntax would be helpful, e.g. allowing searches like "author:lock itemtype:article year:1999..2002".
What do other people think?
Could a dev comment on this?
1) Also add this menu to the 'insert-citation' dialog for the word etc. plugins
2) remember what the last selected search was. I basically want to search for authora 90% of the time.
3) Add a search for 'note content' so that only all the notes are searched. That might be more complicated but would be totally great because currently it's neither possible to search for notes nor inside of note (I know, you can generate reports). It would really improve the usefulness of notes in Zotero.
[Desperate for batch editing]
However, what I've found recently is that, at least if you know the beginning of the author or title you can just sort by that category in the middle panel and start typing to get to where you want. I know that's not the same, but it's instant and saves me the annoying 5-10sec wait of "quick" search.
I'm sure some people have been doing this anyway, but I figured it'd be worthwhile to point out.
(sorry to repeat myself, but I would like to know whether that is actually planed)
The whole point of quick search should be that you can do a _quick_ search through article titles (information- and keyword-rich, but often you don't know the first letter), abstracts (likewise), authors (including non-first authors), and other fields that you should be able to choose. As long as it doesn't work like that it is entirely useless in libraries that have fulltext indexing enabled — precisely those libraries, as I pointed out above, that would benefit most from quick search in the first place.
I still thought it was useful to point this out, though, and given Gracile's post I think I was right. It's not a functionality that many people are aware of in regular file browsers, either.
AND if so, does these plans include note search which I still think is crucial?
A drop-down list with different search options including note search and a highlighting of the word in the note content would still be great!