I have updated my Zotero and continue to get a warning sign whenever I open a word document that has a word processor. I have followed the steps for word processing trouble shooting and still get "zotero intergration error" notifications. Please help
  • continue to get a warning sign whenever I open a word document
    What do you mean by that?
    [JavaScript Error: "This command is not available because no document is open. [getDocument:y:\adomas\zotero\word-for-windows-integration\build\zoterowinwordintegration\document.cpp]"]
    Can you insert a citation in a new, empty document? If so, see Troubleshooting Errors in Word Processor Documents.
  • I am getting an error that zotero is not able to function despite being opened and updated.
    I have followed the word processor documents steps but cannot get past step 6 without errors continuing.
  • We always need the exact message you're receiving.
    cannot get past step 6
    I don't know what you mean by that. You can always follow the steps through to the end.
  • Those are the steps I am referring to. I cannot go through all of the steps as I continue to see an error. Please advise.
  • I cannot go through all of the steps as I continue to see an error.
    I don't know why you keep saying this, but it's nonsensical. The whole point of the steps is to help you fix the error. If you want to fix it, follow the steps through to the end.
  • I dont know what point you are not understanding that I CANNOT go through all the steps to the end because I am limited due to errors occurring that is preventing me from completing the steps listed, which is why I am reaching out for help.
  • If you want help from us, you need to follow the steps to the end and provide the information requested.

    If you're having trouble following the steps, you need to explain exactly where you're having trouble, because what you're saying makes no sense. Again, the entire point of that page is to walk you through how to debug, isolate, and fix the problem.
  • I have done as far as I can to identify the problem. My last resort is to contact support and post on this thread. I have done what I can following the steps providedthat my documents will allow me to, however some "bug" is still occurring. Please help me fix the problem, as I cannot locate it on my own which is why I am following the directions to give to you for assistance and guidance. D1325891937
  • I said I get up to step 6 but cannot go further
    Make a copy of your document — by duplicating the file itself, not by copying and pasting the content — to use for debugging.
    If using OneDrive on Windows, save the copy of the document to your local hard drive, or try renaming the file to remove any spaces in the filename. OneDrive is known to interfere with the plugin for some people. If this fixes the problem for you, you can help us debug this conflict by posting to the Zotero Forums.
  • If you're having trouble following the steps, you need to explain exactly where you're having trouble, because what you're saying makes no sense.
  • I cannot click on the "set document preferences" buttons
  • I literally just did with a copy and paste option- I dont know how to make it clearer, besides support emailing me.
  • I cannot click on the "set document preferences" buttons because I get an error saying "zotero integration error" continues to pop up, despite using different blank documents and updating both word and zotero
  • Zotero experienced an error updating your document.

    Would you like to view troubleshooting instructions?

    This is the error I get within steps 5-7
  • Are you saying you get an error clicking in a new, empty document? Because I specifically asked that above. If you're getting an error in a new, empty document, that page isn't relevant at all. From the top of the page:
    If you get an error trying to use Zotero in a new, empty document, see Word Processor Plugin Troubleshooting.
    If you're only getting an error in an existing document, then you need to keep following the steps, and there's absolutely no reason you can't.
  • Dstillman,I am trying to follow the steps and the SYSTEM is not letting me. I have spent the last 3 hours trying to figure this out and it is not working by following the steps and asking other colleagues who suggested reporting it to the discussion thread. Please stop saying I need to follow the steps when I have been trying to do so; its the system that is not working.
  • If you're not going to respond to what we say, we're not going to be able to help you.
  • I cannot do this step, which is what you indicate, and the system still will not let me.
    Try copying and pasting the document content into a new document (or using File → “Make a copy” in Google Docs) to see if the problem goes away. You may need to click the “Set Document Preferences” button before your old citations will be recognized.
    When I click "set document preferences" I cannot do anything as Zotero experienced an error updating your document.

    Would you like to view troubleshooting instructions?
    Takes me back to the links you have sent and that I have in fact completed, and have been going around in circles. This is where I am struggling and this is where I need help with finding out how to get out of, as the steps listed I cannot proceed forward with as the system will not let me
  • I am getting errors throughout new or old documents. I have checked the system updates and both zotero and word are updated and computer is restarted. I hope that is adequate information for you to help me..
  • Whenever i save a document if zotero does work, I then get the error listed above.
  • I cannot do this step, which is what you indicate, and the system still will not let me.
    So then the problem isn't fixed and you move on to the next step, just as with every other step on the page. I'm genuinely not clear why you think you can't continue with the steps. The whole page is a list of thing to try, in order, until the problem is fixed. That's all it is.

    But you need to answer my question before we go any further: are you able to insert a citation in a new, empty document?
  • You have been rude in explaining that I needed to move on and follow the steps, when I've been telling you I cannot. I have tried copying and pasting, saving as a new document, and still receive the same error.
    I am able to add to a new document, however, zotero shifted in view of the way I can access, and pulls up as a mini zotero library intead of the red bar that could be used to type in.
  • I am trying to clearly explain to you that i have been moving on to the other steps but am still getting the same errors despite what I have been trying for the past 3+ hours
  • I have no idea why you think you can't continue following the steps, but I can't spend more time on this. This is the last step:
    11. Isolate the problematic citations. Delete half of the document at a time and see if the error still occurs. If not, use Undo to restore the deleted section and then try deleting the other half. Repeat the halving process on the section that fails, or pick one at random if both do. Continue this until you find the smallest possible section, ideally with a single citation, that must be present for the problem to occur. Remove the isolated citations from the original document and the problem should go away (unless there are multiple broken citations, in which case you'll need to repeat the process). Unless the error still occurs if you completely clear the contents of the document, this final step will by definition identify the problem.
    You can follow that or not. It's entirely up to you.
    I am able to add to a new document, however, zotero shifted in view of the way I can access, and pulls up as a mini zotero library intead of the red bar that could be used to type in.
    That just means you enabled the classic citation dialog in the Cite → Word Processors pane of the preferences.
  • I have completed the last step once again as you suggested, and once again still am receiving an error. The error still occurs after completely deleting everything off the document itself. Now, my question still remains as to WHAT can be done. Please help me with this part. I have followed all the steps- however, am still getting errors.
  • edited November 12, 2022
    You're saying you can click Add/Edit Citation in a new document without getting an error, but if you delete the entire contents of the existing document, so that it has nothing else in it, you get an error when you then click Add/Edit Citation? That's pretty unusual, and if that's the case you need to actually tell us that — you haven't yet said that clearly.

    And if so, then as the page says, you should send the broken, empty document to support@zotero.org with a link to this thread, and you should tell us your Word and OS version. You should also restart Zotero and provide a Debug ID for reproducing the error in the cleared, empty document.
  • This is exactly what I have been trying to tell you! The errors still occur and start within step 6 as mentioned again. I will reach out again to support.
  • edited November 12, 2022
    No, you haven't said that at all. You keep talking about Step 6, but this has nothing to do with Step 6. I'm not even sure at this point that you're even reading what I'm writing. I asked a clear question. Please answer it:
    You're saying you can click Add/Edit Citation in a new document without getting an error, but if you delete the entire contents of the existing document, so that it has nothing else in it, you get an error when you then click Add/Edit Citation?
    I will reach out again to support.
    To be clear, this is where support happens. The email address is just for sending a file.
  • You do not have to be so rude. I am telling you that errors start at step 6. I am getting an error when I delete everything in this document as I have mentioned previously.
This discussion has been closed.