zotero on google docs doesn't work
by YonatanCarmeli ·i have zotero connector version n 5.0.123, it doesn't work at my google docs at all. i get this -
Delays or freezing in Google Docs
by adomasven ·Submit a Debug ID from Zotero for a citation insertion into Google Docs. -
Delays or freezing in Google Docs
by dstillman ·This discussion was created from comments split from: Zotero running very slow on google docs in macOS. -
Delays or freezing in Google Docs
by egudleifsson ·I'm experiencing similar delays or frost in google docs. This happens on FF and Chrome. This happens frequently hand has no relation with newly added citation. -
Thank you
by CarolinaAmorim ·I am so glad that Zotero connected to Google DOCS that I have to thank you very much. I am telling in the comments of lots of youtube videos that this marvelous thing exist. I am having a little bit o -
Bug report: Zotero 7 Beta crashes when inserting citation into Google Docs
by beedragon ·Critical bug, whenever I try to insert a citation (or interact with the DB in any way) through the Zotero <> GDocs integration, Zotero 7 crashes. -
[Bug Report] Handle HTTP reponse code 429 (Google Docs & Zotero)
by popovic ·Google is extremely slow fixing stuff that are not of their prime concern, I had similar experience with localization bugs. Fingers crossed to resolve this issue, it would be great to see better Docs -
[Bug Report] Handle HTTP reponse code 429 (Google Docs & Zotero)
by dstillman ·Yeah, for what it's worth, we wouldn't recommend working on a file that big in Google Docs (maybe in general, but certainly with Zotero) — there's just too much that's outside of our (and your) contro -
[Bug Report] Handle HTTP reponse code 429 (Google Docs & Zotero)
by popovic ·@adomasven The document is huge book with 450 pages and a lot of citations, thus I did expect some problems. However, I have tested it before switching from LibreOffice to collaboration in Google Docs -
[Bug Report] Handle HTTP reponse code 429 (Google Docs & Zotero)
by popovic ·(5)(+0000018): "{\"error\":\"Google Docs ScriptError\",\"message\":\"Exceeded maximum execution time\",\"stack\":\"Zotero.Messaging</this.init/Zotero[ns][meth]</</<@moz-extension://3cce25bb-c58d-44aa- -
[Bug Report] Handle HTTP reponse code 429 (Google Docs & Zotero)
by popovic ·In large documents, Zotero easily riches the Google Docs quota limitation. This is correctly reported from the Google side by http response code 429. And Google suggests how to handle this error here: -
Zotero experienced an error updating your document
by Simaq ·google Docs says Zotero experienced an error updating your document. and it works fine on other docs. Tried opening and closing Zotero and the browser multiple times -
Acceso bloqueado: el administrador de tu institución debe revisar Zotero Google Docs Integration
by dstillman ·Ask your IT department. It sounds like they've blocked third-party apps like Zotero from interacting with Google Docs in your account. -
Acceso bloqueado: el administrador de tu institución debe revisar Zotero Google Docs Integration
by dstillman ·This discussion was created from comments split from: problema con google docs. -
Acceso bloqueado: el administrador de tu institución debe revisar Zotero Google Docs Integration
by AndresVargas99 ·Acceso bloqueado: el administrador de tu institución debe revisar Zotero Google Docs Integration. como lo soluciono -
Selected field 8y1UwY not returned from Docs backend
by dstillman ·First try restarting Zotero and reloading Google Docs. If that doesn't help, disable all your browser extensions, reload Google Docs, and then try again. If this is a large document, you may be gettin -
Help please! Docs suddendly going crazy when trying to add a reference
by timcdavis_ ·I'm currently writing a document which has roughly 99 references in it. When trying to add anymore I get this message 'Zotero needs the Google Docs tab to stay active for the current operation. Please -
Zotero google docs not working
by c_nilsen ·Yes, I tried restartin Zotero, reload google docs, and restarting the computer. -
Zotero google docs not working
by dstillman ·Did you restart Zotero and reload Google Docs? -
Zotero google docs not working
by dstillman ·Restart Zotero and reload Google Docs, and if you still get the error, you should be able to override the lock from that dialog.