Google Docs Click Denial
by dstillman ·https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/112354/google-docs-problems-with-zotero-connector-5-0-119 -
Google Docs Click Denial
by ekoparker ·I've been experiencing an annoying problem with Zotero for Docs that causes seemingly random portions of the document to be completely unclickable. It looks like it can only really be fixed by refres -
No pop up box when trying to create citations in google docs
by dstillman ·That just shows an already-active operation. You should restart Zotero and reload Google Docs and try again, and only click Add/Edit Citation once. If you're not seeing anything happen, check to make -
Zotero stuck on "Zotero is updating your document. Please wait…" when used with Google Docs
by dstillman ·Google made some changes to Google Docs recently that have made citing less reliable. We've been working to fix these problems, and they seem to be resolved for most people, but there might be some li -
Zotero stuck on "Zotero is updating your document. Please wait…" when used with Google Docs
by dwidder ·Zotero is stuck on "Zotero is updating your document. Please wait…" when used with Google Docs, and the red bar that lets me search for citations to add appears as a fully red bar, never making the wh -
Problemas con google docs
by KatMontoya ·1663887911 -
No pop up box when trying to create citations in google docs
by dstillman ·Does it work in a new, empty document? If not, can you provide a Debug ID from Zotero for reloading Google Docs and trying to cite? -
Report ID: 952562227
by adomasven ·You should disable other extensions, particularly Grammarly, reload Google Docs and see if it works. You might need to restart Zotero. -
Repeated "authentication canceled" error in Google Docs
by joelle.kilchenmann ·[Split from Z. in google docs not working] -
Zotero connector doesn't show up on google docs
by dstillman ·Can you provide a Debug ID from the Zotero Connector for reloading the Google Docs page and a screenshot of Google Docs where you're not seeing the Zotero menu? -
Zotero connector doesn't show up on google docs
by marshmallowlionl ·Hi there, I checked the Zotero website's information and it says that google docs os part of the Zotero connect function. But when I open google docs I cannot find the Zotero functions in my top menu -
Google Docs: Problems with Zotero Connector 5.0.119
by ekoparker ·@dstillman is there any word on the release of this version? The citations have been generating fine lately, but the Google Docs area denial (where I can't click on certain parts of my text) has been -
Zotero just prompts for text or links with any selection
by tcgb ·I'm on google docs on safari. If I try to add citations, or choose any of the other options, or use the Zotero button in the tool bar, a window just pops up in google docs (no red bar from Zotero app) -
How to get rid of grey square bracket for zotero citation in Microsoft Word?
by adamsmith ·Those are almost certainly unrelated to Zotero. Are you working in a template? They are related to restricted editing settings, see e.g. https://superuser.com/questions/479118/get-rid-of-gray-brackets -
No pop up box when trying to create citations in google docs
by caleighgrace ·When I try to create citations in google docs (Zotero -> create citation) after I verify my google docs account (which it asks me to do each time I click create citation) I get a message saying "Zoter -
Zotero stuck on updating my file
by sonjasaira ·Problem ID: 1458126657. Zotero stopped working yesterday in Google Docs and doesn't refresh my file and I can't add or edit any citations or bibliography. I have only 30 references and it worked fine -
Various problems in Google Docs
by dstillman ·If you can't get it to work, restart Zotero and provide a Debug ID from Zotero for reloading Google Docs and clicking Add/Edit Citation where the citation dialog doesn't appear. -
Red bad not popping up
by dstillman ·Restart Zotero if you're having trouble, and if you can't get it to work, restart Zotero again and provide a Debug ID from the Zotero Connector for reloading Google Docs and reproducing this. -
Zotero extension not working on google docs
by dstillman ·Can you restart Zotero, reload Google Docs, and provide a Debug ID from the Zotero Connector for reproducing this? -
Zotero extension not working on google docs
by shameeta18 ·Hi there, My zotero extension was working perfectly fine in citations I've used in google docs. However, it is not working now - nothing pops up when I try to add/edit citations. My zotero is linked t