Item Type menu is not scrolling when open (accessibility)
by chritogjon ·IMO, it would be a great accessibility enhancement, if the list would be scroll/roll on scrolling my mouse pointer, when the pointer is on the list.
improve new note shortcut
by dstillman ·You're not missing anything. I don't think there's currently any way to break out of TinyMCE via the keyboard, but there should be (both for general usability and also for accessibility). -
[LibreOffice] Cannot switch document format from referencemarks to bookmarks
by kleonard ·Is there anyway to get this fixed/changed? I like LibreOffice and am dependent on Zotero, but I too need to be able to save for Word-only users without a loss of data or accessibility to changing text -
More on Author Name Case and Order
by dstillman ·I'm working with an unsighted friend over accessibility, and one of the first things we've encountered is a need for hot-key switching between the three columns of the Zotero display. -
More on Author Name Case and Order
by fbennett ·If no one picks this up, I'll probably give it a try sometime soon. I'm working with an unsighted friend over accessibility, and one of the first things we've encountered is a need for hot-key switchi -
Papers in different folders
by dstillman ·This is similar to, say, "Add to Playlist" in iTunes, and it's something we need for accessibility reasons, actually. It's planned. (We'd happily accept a patch.) -
Quick search bar: focus not always on search input
by mark ·that UI element would make sense from a keyboard-accessibility point of view, after making a selection from the dropdown the focus is not automatically yielded to the search input field but remains o -
[3.0b1] duplicate detection
by dstillman ·w80: Try Control-click-drag (or Cmd-click-drag on a Mac). I think the only other solution would be to add collection filing to the context menu (which should be done anyway for accessibility), but in -
Option to disable libraries
by dstillman ·Why? URIs in documents aren't related to accessibility via the web. If you drag an item from your personal library to a group library and cite the one from your personal library, anyone who gets the d -
Error shortly after starting sync
by nhowe ·Hi. I fixed the folder accessibility problem, but I'm afraid I still can't sync. (Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIFile.isFile])
edition with superscript
by Gracile ·[Rich text markup in zotero fields seems to me much more problematic (for accessibility, etc...) than the handling of html in locales-xx-XX.xml, those files which are modified by 0.01% of zotero users -
Accessibility for the blind
by Rintze ·http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/10023/accessibility-voicerecognition/ -
Accessibility for the blind
by ajlyon ·that perhaps Zotero might not be taking accessibility into account. -
Accessibility for the blind
by gossett ·I recently found out that I have a legally blind student in my class where I require the use of either Zotero or Mendeley. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find any information on how accessib… -
Newbie - Multiple Users share one Zotero library
by mark ·I say this all as a user of the Groups feature. It has taken me a lot of energy to explain all these quirks to colleagues and collaborators, and several of them have chosen to stay away from the Group -
accessibility: voice-recognition
by jackerman ·As someone who has recently developed serious wrist problems, I have no idea what this keyboard input is. It's great that it's apparently there, but I would like to know where I'm supposed to go to fi -
Back - Forward - History controls on Zotero menu bar
by Bryan Pfaffenberger ·For me, the cognitive cost of using a large Zotero database would be substantially lowered by providing Back (previous item), Forward (next item), and History (last 10 items displayed) controls on th -
sync group attachments rather to webdav than to zotero
by sean ·agencies and private foundations which require accessibility and open-sourcing. It's based at the Center for History and New Media, which is located at a public university and led by history professo -
Making attachments public / Self-archiving referenced sources
by acka47 ·I would like to use Zotero as a means for self-archiving online sources I referenced in a publication to guarantee their long time accessibility. As everybody knows many URLs aren't very stable and co -
accessibility: voice-recognition
by adamsmith ·more money in helping to create open source accessibility solutions?