



  • Found the key problem, the original is Merlin plug-in led to this situation, after disable this plugin can normal import. Thank you for your patience. It was great.
  • Debug ID for Zotero: D1417081551 Debug ID for Zotero Connector: D621364151
  • I tried, but the problem still exists.
  • D2056552496 This is the Debug ID of the Zotero Connector. In addition, I disabled Jasminum plugin and reset translators as you said. Click Zotero Connector, the default display is still "Save to Zotero (Embedded Metadata)", and the import is an erro…
  • D1054757944 Yes, instead of "Save to Zotero (PubMed)", it appears "Save to Zotero (Embedded Metadata)" (image uploaded). https://s3.amazonaws.com/zotero.org/images/forums/u9970403/moxzaj42wyrk0dtd48yz.jpg
  • "clicked on the pubmed page" means that I clicked the button of the Zotero Connector, for example (screenshot 1), and the information I added to zotero looks like this (screenshot 2). https://s3.amazonaws.com/zotero.org/images/forums/u9970403/pvnql…
  • I clicked on the pubmed page after all the items had been loaded and the connector icon had turned into a book, but the information imported into zotero was still inaccurate. Before I import from pubmed are not seen this kind of situation, only rece…
  • I know how to save articles from the web to zotero, but I don't know why saving pubmed entries goes wrong (as you can see in the image I uploaded).
  • Adding Items to Zotero doesn't seem to specifically mention my case, and the problem remains unsolved. Also, I confirm that the article is not the issue, because the same article with Google scholor import is formatted correctly, but pubmed import d…