



  • Thank you for the link adamsmith! I looked through the topics, but could not any solutions there unfortunately. These are the most relevant discussions that happened within the last 3 yrs or so: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topicsearchin/zoter…
  • Has anyone succeeded in syncing Zotero data using a private server? I was trying to find some details on this in Zotero's github repos, but no results so far. It seems like there is no way to change the sync server URL via Zoteo GUI now, but if you…
  • That’s sad if it’s true. I guess the implementation of such enhancement would take just an hour to a person who is knows zotero internals well. The longest part would be probably making the tag icon smaller to fit the size of the table header. Tag c…
  • adamsmith, I don’t think that pull request #175 covers the same issue as this topic. They were suggesting something like this: http://imgur.com/379zW Tag count in that case can be only visible for one currently selected item, while a column in a li…
  • Brenton, thanks for this hint – I didn’t know ‘%’ worked as a wildcard in search. I still think that tag and tag count columns would be useful though. They will be really helpful to overview the situation with tags in any catalog removing a need to…