



  • Thanks for the explanation, Adam. I agree that the field must be created from within Word/OOO. Do you think it would be possible for the quick copy to insert a unique (short, illegible) text identifier that the Word/OOO plugin could (when called b…
  • What if a 'quick copy' format was defined that provided all the information the plugin needed to create the right field codes? Then I could drag-and-drop the text to Word, and set up a keyboard shortcut that would call the plugin to field-ify the n…
  • Keyboard navigation through the middle pane library tree is excellent. Up & down arrows scroll items, right arrow expands groups of notes/attachments, all is good. However, once you've selected a note, why doesn't the right arrow shift foc…
  • I second this bug request. Zotero on netbooks is great, but the bit of screen space still wasted from the two-line toolbars in TinyMCE needs to be reclaimed. Other netbook needs are: full keyboard navigation (arrow keys to choose/scroll/exit f…