



  • Thanks for the reply but still not answering my question. I have a PDF (many actually) that are similar to the link. Inside each PDF is a journal containing multiple papers of which I am interested in 2 or 3 maybe. Before people tell me how to do…
  • @adamsmith and @aborel, let me ask a different way to see if that helps? I have what I call a journal which is composed of multiple papers, again using the link I provided. In that link to journal I am using as an example the TOC contains nine (9)…
  • @DWL-SDCA and @adamsmith I can only present my use case and give you an example relevant to mt system. I have whole PDF versions of an entire journal that has 1+ articles which are relevant to something I am working on. Currently, there is zero op…
  • I too have a need for ISSN. @adamsmith not sure why it's a big issue to add this function. If people want a full volume, that's there use case.
  • While not a merging of the highlights, for which I too Plus 1, I have simply copied the text from the second page and added to the first annotation box. It's manual and a not conducive to flowing through a paper for note taking.
  • @dstillman I appreciate the reply. I am currently using Zotero 6.0.26 on Windows 10, and I do not utilize any sync method, instead choosing to keep everything on my local drive. What are the steps to pull the annotation tags into the parent file's…
  • @ryanwwest I realize I am picking up an old thread here but one idea may be to define a specific color for highlighting the paragraph parts you want and then during import to Obsidian simply have that import unhighlighted with the highlighted part y…