



  • I hadn't seen that search option. Thank you. However, that still doesn't solve the problem for attachments. I don't see a search option for "child attachment type" or "child attachment content." I want to do a search that will return all of the …
  • Another related issue: I have notes that tell me where to find each reference and because of the relationship of notes to the parent I can't do a search for references with a specific note and a specific tag. It seems that it is impossible to comb…
  • What if tags could be assigned different colors so that the entries in the center pane would be highlighted the color of the tag you deem most important (the same could be done with a read/unread feature, highlighting the unread entries). Really, w…
  • I second the motion. This would be particularly useful for after an article is read. You could simply check the read box instead of deleting the unread tag and then adding the read tag. Also, if all new references defaulted to unread that elimina…